What is a castrated male goat called?
Correct answer: Wether

my aunt has a few.. Boer.. pygmy.. fainting goats..la mancha..and a few more..they are such funny and smart animals!

It's called angry.

I don't know whether the wether will improve.

we had goats. They are all four-legged Houdinis.

I've never heard wether applied to any animal other than a sheep.All male goats (intact or otherwise!)are billies.

remusmckellen1, fainting goats?? Do they actually faint? What makes them faint I wonder? Don't scare them too much hehe

sizeable satellite
It's called, improved.

* Seshati *
Poor lil’ dudes, I add a friend a few years back who used to tie dye her homemade fashion for market. She would bring over her clothes over & we would sit down as a family & use the tool to open the wee bands to attach them to them material. Oh my I can’t imagine how it must have felt to a ram or sheep being castrated this way, they say its a humane way as they loose blood circulation & drop off ... ouch.

Caprine probably derived from Capricorn

Player. Ty
just call it a ball-less goat

that name is also applicable to rams.

FractiousViper35933, may eat garden?

want one for my garden