What kind of a book is the “Grand Grimoire”?
Correct answer: Magic book for interacting with demons

Messing around with negative energy is very dangerous. Best to avoid it.

Player #1437594
I don't know why anyone would want to mess with anything like this. Bad idea.

my demon and I are getting along nicely, though I wish she would stop eating neighborhood children. Four stars.

Rand Al'Thor
Jazzyboo1117, Be careful what you wish for; it just may come true. The world is crazy enough for me let alone opening the door to the dead. Oonce opened it's near impossible to shut and anything can walk through.

No thanks!! That’s like staring down the barrel of a shot gun.

Old Fool
GruffSecretAgent9936, more like 'may the farce be with you. '

Somehow I knew what Grimoire was about and got it right.

if u give negative energy you will receive negative energy.

Come over to the Dark Side, Luke. And may the Force be with you.

The general rule is what you "put out there" you get back threefold.

nimblemoon, Agreed...

Pretty sure the people running this country world use it

typh01d303, how sad

Interesting information but I’ll stick to Jedi teachings and not be swayed by any dark side energy, although without evil there can be no good and films like the Exorcist, Paranormal Activity etc would never have been made, anyway I ain’t afraid of no ghost!!!!!

Player #29684811, LOL ok you go mess with it and see how "weak" you are for disbelieving in darkness 😉

Tina's twin
Arohanui, for some reason, commenter didn't xplain til next paragraph. it either has 2 parts...or a version with a small section between the two parts

I think I knew this via Harry Potter.

Bill Natan
Need to get my hands on that book, my inner demons need guidance.