Which son of Zeus was a messenger and herald of the gods?
Correct answer: Hermes

guessing this is why the courier group Hermes choose it's name?

Damo, that's the only reason why I got the answer right, one of my neighbours couriers for them,

Nelly, They are equivalent gods in Greek and Roman mythology, but Zeus is Greek so Hermes is the correct choice.
In the novel Rama, Arthur C Clarke refers to the human inhabitants of Mercury as Hermians

i love how this 2 snakes speak to each other

Player #120558527
isn't that the symbol for a doctor

Nelly, I agree but technically it was Hermes that was the son of Zeus.

One of the best things about this game is that every now and then you get questions similar to previous questions, and that refreshes your memory about things that you learn right here

I think that this is a trick question. In the answers we got Hermes and Mercury.

it is an expensive bag

This question is incorrect. The Greeks and Romans called them different names but are still the SAME gods. (eg. Venus and Aphrodite are the same but different names). The Greeks called him Hermes, the Romans, Mercury. So Mercury is as valid an answer as Hermes.

Player #1137636
Thank you, Futurama!