In which US state is Cape Hatteras located?
Correct answer: North Carolina

Player Suze Eckert
The wild horses can be seen running in a herd across the sand in herds. Remember the children's book called "Misty of Chincoteague" about a young, wild foal & his adventures. It was my favorite story as a kid, because my love of & my passion for 🏇 horses started at a very young age.

love it there

Player Ejag
Player SQinfoNUTS, Actually, it’s Chincoteague in Virginia.

Player Oliver &Mommy
Player Suze Eckert, Chincoteague is in Virginia or rather an island off the coast of Virginia. Cape Hatteras is the furthered south of the Barrier Islands. I have not been for many years but they all are beautiful.

Gramcracker Granny
This game must hear me because I get questions about things I have been having conversations about

Player #31777410
Player Suze Eckert, Chincoteague is about 8 hours north of Cape Hatteras
One of my favorite places to visit yearly ❤

Debbie T.
Player Suze Eckert, Mine too! loved the books and still love horses!!

Debbie T., what is cooler than wild horses?(i am ndn)

Player Suze Eckert, the book you referenced takes place on Assateague and Chincoteague islands in Virginia. I loved those stories, too.

Player Suze Eckert, Chincoteague is in Virgina. I loved the books too. I still have original copies. we visited there about 10 years ago but didn't see any on the island.

There are also wild horses in the Arizona mountains, neither of which I knew were there until I moved here 😉🫠

Wild horses are on an island across the bay from Beaufort N C.

joy march016
I wish I could go there, and to many other parts of North Carolina too, I think I'd rather just live there !! 😃😃😀😀☺️☺️😊😊

yeah that's not the island with the wild horses on it, as a matter of fact that was a question a few days ago about that exact thing. 🐴

Player Suze Eckert, misty took place on the Eastern Shore.

Player Suze Eckert, That would be HER adventures.. Misty was a mare.

Player Suze Eckert,
Chincoteague island where the horses run is off of Virginia. Cape Hatteras, off N.C. is equally beautiful.

I'm Frosty
LoverNotAFighter, Assateague is actually in Maryland...

CageFreeDynamo50, I love it too ,I live there but we do have some scary storms too. had one just now and more coming all day, it’s spring time here,

We just got back from Cape Hatteras. That was my first time there. It was beautiful!

Player #8285852
live about 1 1/2 hours from there. Everytime we have taken the scenic boat tour to see them, we always seem not to see any of the wild horses...

Player elguapo
Player #4037143, not

SQinfoNUTS, Cape Hatteras is in North Carolina not California!! So you got the answer wrong. Grow up!!

Player #4037143, no. There's one state on the west coast of the United States and that name of that state is California.

Player SQinfoNUTS
Player #4037143, there is one state and it is called California.

Player SQinfoNUTS
I'm certain that this is the place that has the wild horses isn't it? I went somewhere in the Carolinas and saw wild horses. it was a long time ago. I'll never forget it