Who was nicknamed 'Dr. Death' in the 1990s?
Correct answer: Jacob Kevorkian

If your pet is terminally I'll and in constant pain, it's ok to put it to sleep. Why can't people have that luxury?

pixieish, I think everyone should have that option.

you should have the right to die, if need be.

Now it's called Euthanasia and considered compassionate option. Interesting how things change.

Player Elf Counsel
pixieish, Not by one of our Bishops. He claimed that suffering was enobling. I found myself thinking maybe he would change his mind if he was in agony.

Montana Lady
I'm glad I live in a "Right to Die" state, no one ever wants to make that decision... but if you did it's comforting to know it's there for you.

pixieish, previously termed assisted suicide. And it is compassionate, at least in my and many others opinion; especially when you witness the painful suffering and hear the pleas of those within such.

Player NormChop
In my humble opinion, instead of suffering and there is no hope, I think you should have the right to end your misery

Smitty913, it's a person's right to do so especially if your terminally sick, plain & simple!

there are mixed feelings about this for me. I am currently watching a relative slowly die from 4 different cancers. he screams out in pain in the dead of night. there's not enough morphine to stop it. a very fine line to ODing. 😢

i drummed in a local ( Weymouth, MA. ) punk band called, Kevorkian's Angels.

comments made by some about 'playing God', let's get real - playing God happens all the time when weapons are used against others. It's called 'war'. The scriptures tell us there is one 'sin' that's unforgivable. It's blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Go to the book and read it for yourself instead of relying on what a religious leader claims.

Player #130998363
It's called hospice

Norbert, that is a proper way of saying it

Fograt61, Should be up to the person.

i think terminally ill patients who are suffering should have a right to die if no by another persons help then put a button by the bed when their ready let them press that button and they are not in pain and suffering anymore since its not allowed for assisted help give them a choice of relief from suffering !!!!

death with dignity should be a right to all, in all states.

Montana Lady, My Mother was in such pain she stopped taking the meds that were prolonging her life,,she chose to go home Thanksgiving Day 😞

RuinedBuccaneer94447, He is the biggest reason we have a compassionate option now, in some places…

Cat Mom
Fograt61, well, the pet has no choice for one thing

KookyOrangutan5005, I do too! I feel like GOOD ppl shouldn't have to spend their last days suffering in COMPLETE agony🥺 What bothers me, from a Christian stand point (I do NOT believe in pushing my beliefs on others! I'm merely stating why I'm torn on the topic too!) do you still get to go to heaven? you're playing God in a way n he's supposed to choose when it's your time? Or can you pray n all for forgiveness n still be good to go🤔 It's crazy what some topics bring up lol

As a human’s rights
We should be able to decide on our own

Norbert, In states where it is not legalized, they have hospice care where one can refuse any further treatment, but they cannot "end" their own lives!
Essentially they are not being prolonged against their will, but neither is their death assisted in any way!

Joan, I don’t believe the president has that power, at least not yet.

I wholeheartedly agree with everyone/ one of these years we may have a president who will make it come true

I've been so sick many times sometimes I wish I could have done that

He helped to change people’s view on this. I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t rather choose aa than suffer without hope of relief.

Player #95218442
Everyone should have a Medical Power of Attorney which you have the choice, in the case of terminal illness or near fatal injury, to be comfortable while off of a ventilator or not extending your life in further pain and misery.

Threat Level Midnight, I'm sorry to hear about your father and the circumstances. I had a friend I watched die in pain. I believe we should let us die if we want to on our terms.

my dad had severe emphysema from smoking and skipped the middleman. he left a suicide note and did it himself.

Player #62752956
Threat Level Midnight, so sorry about your dad, and very well said.

Player #62752956
pixieish, it is still illegal in 40 states.

KookyOrangutan5005, sorry, I meant Kervokian

KookyOrangutan5005, if he's in that much pain then there should be no mixed feelings, I had to watch my mother suffer so much pain from cancer I hated for her to go through that and she had no choice but to suffer. I wished we had a Dr Kerkorian around to help her.

Fograt61, exactly! I agree

Guillermo Jr.
pixieish, all the kids in Thailand agree

Player #48865757
How can it be wrong when hospice care does this for you as well, just in the way of not giving the patient food and water, but rather meds to comfort. I watched my grandmother pass basically from starvation.

Player #31666950
moonlit, are you not also playing God if you end the life premature

It is legal in Switzerland!

Player #34089725
And who will perform this so call "pulling of the plug"? How will you regulate this? As a nurse I'm to do no harm and comfort the ill and dying, not to play God.