As of 2017, what was the deadliest volcanic eruption on record?
Correct answer: Mount Tambora, Indonesia, 1815
Fun guy
mountain lost 1300 meters oh height ! WOW
Wow. Devastating. I never knew. Great info.
Destino Manifesto
Vesuvius is still active today, and it is most famous for its AD 79 eruption that destroyed 4 villages including Pompeii & Herculean. They estimate that between 1 thousand and 2 thousand people died. 😳
Arohanui, a tidal wave does not have to be big. After Krakatoa, the wave that went up the Thames as a result of the explosion near Java, Indonesia, was less than 2 ft high.
Destino Manifesto, If you visit Pompeii, try to stand somewhere alone and just "feel". It's a little bit strange but totally awesome. Imagine your city being buried.
Destino Manifesto, Herculaneum was one of the other towns destroyed along with Pompeii in AD79, and the death toll in Pompeii alone was believed to be closer to 20,000.
Honey Bunny
I love learning from this game.
Old Fool
Era Vulgaris, that was the name of a book about Krakatoa, unfortunately the Volcano is actually West of the island of Java.
Honey Bunny, I love saying “Krakatoa “
Fun guy, The tops of volcanos often collapse during or after large eruptions and erosion can happen later on also.
I had heard of the "Year Without Summer," but never knew how deadly this volcano was.
Darren Rich
I would have thought Pompeii, glad that wasn't an option
Rupert F
Player #9173989,
the question should be the deadliest on this list
Sacred Cow I, Vesuvius eruption was recorded or we wouldn't know but yet it wasn't listed.
Player #2546993
Elfcounsel, gee, your smart
аrtlux, That was a minor one. The wind from the eruption of Krakatoa went around the world.