What was Darth Vader's Jedi name?
Correct answer: Anakin Skywalker

He never had a "Jedi" name, his birth name was Anakin Skywalker.


Player #6501471
One of the best films of all time (original ones!)

Taranchalanche, His mother's death was when he moved to the dark side and massacred all the Tuskan Raiders (sand people) that had taken her.

obi wan Kenobi is the greatest Jedi ever!!

Luke, whose your daddy?!

Spelling errors galore!

Player #7625955
Beelzebubba, the action figure can be trasformed into anakin by taking of the helmet and some clothes. this will also alter the light saber from red to blue (?) and the voice changes too.

Player #20136064
Polly, actually when Luke says that Obi-Wan told him that Vader killed his father Vader replies"No. l am your father".

Jaminus Optimus
Jo, Anakin built C3-P0 as a child to help his mother, check The Phantom Menace.

Mars V
Did a third grader write that explanation?

My favorite of the Star Wars characters! Not because he was villainous but because he was just so unique & so cool! From his voice & the hissing sound to his uniform or look & his helmet he wears!! All of it is just so so cool!!

CyanJaguar62, they bought C3PO from the jawa's

Mars V
This explanation reads like a third grader’s first draft.

Maria ♡, no, Luke fixed C3PO after his uncle bought him from the sand people, but you are right, his aunt and uncle were killed and it was made to look like the SP did it. You are right tho, the first film was the best! 😊

Player #25924774
Player #6501471, NO. they plagiarized Flash Gordon!

Peanut Butter
Player #6501471, Empire Strikes Back. ..

that was his regular name. he never became a full fledged jedi.

Maria ♡
Jo, I thought Luke build C- 3PO , & Wasn't Luke brought up by his Uncle & Aunt,
it was Luke who was Distroy by their Death, when hie went into town,
it was meant to look like the Sand people , I thought, sorry if wrong, its been a while since I last Saw it, the first 3 films were Great, the film after were good bu couldnt surpass the original 3. Kind Regards , to you All.

Player. Ty

Randall Stone, he responds, 'Luke, I am your Father'.

Jo, watch The Phantom Menace. Anakin created C-3P0 as a boy on Tatooine.

Player #5668664
How about Amydala Princess ???

I'm your Daddy !