What brand of soda was created by Nazi Germany in WWII?
Correct answer: Fanta

Did not expect that!

wow no $#it

Fun guy
some Jews refuse to buy German products like Benz auto, guess Fanta should be on that list.

Really good question! 👍🏻

Player #50531971
so... not invented by "Nazi Germany", invented by a Coke executive. words have meaning.

I didn't know that!

Player #3662806, do you wear Hugo boss attire by any chance also.

second time getting this question in the game, and I'm just reaching level 102

Player #52878863
it wasn't created by nazi's but for them by coke germany

Player #14843992
Player #11011760, wow

Soda with sugar, flour and lemon

My French friend dislikes (actually claims to hate) Geman people bc she was raised in Tunisia, Africa and the Germans killed her Granfather by running him over. However she drives a Mercedes, owns a Steinway Piano, and has a American/German girlfriend with the last name of Behm!!! lol

That came our of left field!!!

GG, I'm on level 950. yes, I have too much time on my hands. this is the first repetitive question I've seen on this game.

Player #38618593
Was created IN Nazi Germany, not BY Nazi Germany. Their catalogue of war atrocities was huge, but did not include this. How did something nice come out of something so evil?

Once again, great question.

no wonder I've always hated it

never knew this either!

Player #11188233
Will need to rethink this in the future, but I haven’t drunk Fanta for years if I’m being truthful…

GG, I'm in level 200 and I got this question-

Player #50531971
Laudy Miss Claudy, outside the US it comes in several flavors. don't know which was first

This is one of the most interesting history facts I've learned in this game. Both the reason Phantom was created and how the name came about. Wow.

Laudy Miss Claudy, you don't need oranges to create Fanta. It's flavoring.
Player #26324961
this question was used just a few sets ago

Laudy Miss Claudy
OK.That was a complete surprise, but do oranges grow in Germany?

Player #3662806
I'm kinda feeling a little guilty about buying Fanta now.