On the TV series “Diff’rent Strokes,” Arnold often poses what signature question to his brother?
Correct answer: "What’choo talkin’ ’bout, Willis?"

Poor Gary Coleman he had such a hard life. It made him a very bitter man. RIP

Great show. RIP Arnold/aka Gary

HipCat7942, *Conrad *Gary * There were 4 main actors: Conrad, Dana, Gary and Todd. Todd is still alive.

Player #11503902, True they all landed themselves in very disfunctional, abusive andaddictions. Only Todd Bridges dealt with his situations, including imprisonment, and came out alive. He is a happy and healthy husband and father today.

HyperViper5789, Todd's last name is Bridges.

I enjoyed watching this show as a kid. I thought Arnold was so funny when he said his catch phrase and pouted his lip out.

Player #9495659
Too bad all 3 child actors ended up with heart breaking lives.

Player #118357
HipCat7942, Todd Willis is still alive. Bald, but alive.

Player #11503902
Sadly all three child actors ended up experiencing painful and disastrous lives.

Roger R
many child actors, going back to Stymie & Alfalfa from Little Rascals have struggles

Nerak 7
Very sad for all the younger actors of this sitcom Gary and Dana gone way too soon ..kudos to Todd Bridges. He had a difficult time and made it through….

Player #89643615
What was wrong with gary colemen?i knew he was sick but i didn’t know with what.

I watched this show when I was a kid. It's a great show.

Well……part of my childhood….although even though the children are all older than me. Those times. O right……….a time when I watched TV regularly.

Player #83925953
Each one of these children would have benefitted greatly from the program created by former Child Actor, Paul Petersen, called A Minor Consideration. Todd Bridges made it out alive, but not without some serious hardships. I am not sure, but I believe his mom was in show biz.

Hoplea, that little man had to be a really tough guy, he was deadly sick most of his life but he carried on and on ,he had a right to be grouchy,,rip. Gary

An just "what are ya talking about"?🤗

I say that to people to this day, yet, I’ve never actually met anyone named Willis 🤔

juju smith
that was a great show rip

Player #30317710
7 year old won't know this

Hoplea, I read his own parents stole his money from him sad

I loved that show and the spin off Facts of Life

Flower Lady, she died of a drug overdose

Flower Lady
what happened to Dana?

I loved this show as a kid. Arnold was so cute ,so sad what happen latter.

I attend church in Zion, Illinois where Gary Coleman was born

Mary J.
How many times did that child actor get asked to say that line? he must have hated it after awhile.

Player #15356356
loved that show. All three of the kids had issues and problems in life. Rip, Dana and Gary! I think Todd Bridges is still alive.

JR. Gee
funny line he said

Player #14292082
Player #2870888, Charlotte Ray was also very good.

Player #344901
Davey1450, He was 10 when the show started and turned 18 a month before it ended.

He was such a cute kid