The process of removing salt from sea water is known as what?
Correct answer: Desalination

OldBohemian45654, "Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink." Classic!

Montana Lady
EliteLawyercat57024, you are confusing distilled water and desalinated water. Desalination just means removing salt (sal = salt). Destilling water means removing all of its minerals... it usually involves boiling water and collecting the steam which is pure water. (You use it in your steam iron to keep the minerals in hard water from clogging the vents.)

water,water everywhere and not a drop to drink!

I always thought the oceans are guilty of greatest water use. OK, not funny, I know.

OldBohemian45654, love that photo of a beach could just dive in.

Saline always pertains to salt.

slomogeo, Sea water and blood have a similar salt content. Other than that they are completely different.

luckycatfay, It is such a beautiful color but it look’s pretty rocky.

ChampionNymph37634, my dad(ww2 navy) who knew a little about marine biology, said human blood and sea water are similar in chemistry.

#science power

If desalination removes mineral components from water then it cannot be healthy to drink for long term usage. Removing the salt would make it drinkable and therefore save lives in emergency situations. You can buy demineralized water at the grocery store for things like pouring it in one's iron to protect it from mineral buildup for ironing clothes but you are not supposed to drink this water. We need metals.on our diet.