Which US state are the Aleutian Islands part of?

Correct answer: Alaska

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What people think about it: 36 Comments
DID YOU KNOW ... that Alaska is both the most northern state AND the most Eastern state?! North - of course, but few would ever think of it as most Eastern since it's atop our West coast. However, the islands extend into the eastern hemisphere giving it both distinctions. As a matter of fact, only one state is our most Western and most Southern - Hawaii.
Player #2067611, I live in Alaska, and any Alaskan will tell you climate change is real. There are villages that have been here for over a thousand years that have moved because the weather is warmer and the ice is melting away.
Genius, guess what plants do... take in CO2 & produce oxygen (O2)... guess what cars & factories do? Produce CO2. When you chop down all the old growth rain forests, where most of the planet's vegetation is & pollute the air, you cause climate change.
Player #2250116
Player #2250116
Sad but true. I don't understand why people "dislike" facts. perhaps because they challenge them to actually do something.
climate change is a fact denying it is useless. if we continue to ignore it we will be in trouble
I only knew because I personally know a family who are natives of one of the islands.
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
RaySparro, Alaska is also the westernmost state, not Hawaii. Alaska, as you mentioned, stretches into the Eastern Hemisphere. it's as far West as you can get! Also, while in the Eastern Hemisphere by physical geography, one could argue that Alaska is entirely in the Western Hemisphere because the International Date Line--which mostly runs directly across from the Prime Meridian--is angled around the Aleutians. All of Alaska is running on the same half of the day, as if it were all in the same hemisphere.
Wow! So beautiful!
Player #45245163
Player #45245163
the climate has been changing since the birth of the planet
Drack1980., the climate is never not changing
Anxiety Salsa
Anxiety Salsa
Fandazz1, thank you I was hoping the answer would explain if anybody lives on any of these islands.
 Akamai 👑 Haulana
Akamai 👑 Haulana
I would have never guessed that Alaska is the most Northern, most Western and most Eastern state in the US! 😲
Lefty 919, that’s true story
I have a friend who was stationed there in the 70's
Nutshell, most of the wood used in buildings is pine, that grows very fast, is also cheap. So, question, are old growth forests better at 'filtering CO2 into O2'? I don't know
Waldo Lydeker
Waldo Lydeker
I know all about Attu. Do enough New York Times crossword puzzles, and you come across a surprising number of 4-letter words you never heard of. Especially the 4-letter ones with only one consonant: etui, anoa, Ainu, zillions of them, it seems.
I should know this!
most of my relatives lives on part of the Aleutian Islands
Drack1980., now that the Right wing finally acknowledge that global warming is real, they don't think that humans are the cause. Propaganda from oil and coal industries are very effective.
Lefty 919
Lefty 919
the island was completely deserted and they were never sure how they evaluated so quickly but they assumed it must have been help from submarines. Look up an important part of our history that NEVER gets mentioned
Lefty 919
Lefty 919
A fact about the Aleutian Islands few people know is that during WWII Japan actually invaded and occupied two of the Islands, Attu and Kisk I believe, and that was the first time a foreign threat was on US soil since the British during the Revolutionary War. Their plan was to turn them into an Airfield and continue to bomb America. One of my Grandfather's were stationed there during this time, he didn't talk much about the war until much later in both our lives but said they attacked and recaptured the first island, before regrouping to attack the second island the next day for it was supposed to have double the number of enemies, but when they attacked the
Player #2250116, Yes, but because entire economy based on fossil-fuel use! Transportation, construction, food production, every industry so totally mired & invested at every level in status-quo. Every individual fearful of the immediate loss of personal financial survival - pushes off radical change to “ somewhere further down the line”
Anibear315, how can it be the most eastern state?
Player #33751655
Player #33751655
RaySparro, Wrong, Alaska is also the most West state,
Player #29793410
Player #29793410
I am from Alaska and to correct an entry here, Alaska is the farthest North, East and West state in the US. And like Drack1980 said, global warming is very real.
Player #23738301
Player #23738301
RaySparro, Alaska is also furthest west...international date line...confusing l know
Nutshell, genius.
Player Quitos
Player Quitos
Player #13173675, they would be the farthest east AND west. point of the US
Benji Bear
Benji Bear
6821 square miles =17666 square km? I guess so :(
Rissa Firecat , by saying we haven't seen anything yet, your contradicting your point.
Genius, Maybe because it's a fact. Pollution has caused it to speed up and pass what is natural.
ghost Skelton, thanks. It can be so frustrating watching people with their blinders on.
RaySparro, cool. I didn't know that it was technically the most eastern state.
Player #4165600
Player #4165600
HaugWilde, Bwahahaha🤣
Rissa Firecat
Rissa Firecat
Player #2067611, you need to get it right, climate change is real. We haven’t seen anything yet!
Grandma Beeba
Grandma Beeba
Genius, I agree. Climate change has always existed. The discrepancy is the cause. It's cyclical, not man made. Having said that, man is a polluter.