Which oath begins with the words "I swear by Apollo..."?

Correct answer: The Hippocratic Oath

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
Doctors around the world have been pledging the same oath since about 400 BC when it was first written by the Greek doctor Hippocrates (thus the name) who is considered the founder of modern medicine, THAT is why it references Apollo. Another trivia tidbit, although a widespread urban legend made popular by Hollywood, nowhere in the Hippocratic Oath does it say "first, do no harm".
unfortunately, not all doctors stand by the oath that they made...😢
Hippocrates was born, lived and taught in Kos. Every year groups of newly qualified doctors come to Kos, where I live, and take part in the oath swearing ceremony at the Asklepion - the original place where Hippocrates taught 2,000 years ago.
Player #163902, learn something new every day!!!!
kadacozarh, actually paganism and belief in many Gods is much older than modern religions. Greek, Norse and Roman belief systems of many Gods goes way back before Christianity or the Old Testament was even thought of
This question should have been worded with the specification of 'which oath HISTORICALLY or originally...etc'. I have taken the Hippocratic oath and I assure you that I did not swear to Apollo...🙄. I love the history though!
Montana Lady, the Oath's principles are a great guide to all of us in service to our fellow humans: First, do no harm. Second, do all you can to help the patient recover, and Third, do all you can to ease their pain. Good guidance for us all.
The God's are scratching their heads these days.
Player #1662299
Player #1662299
Sounds like blasphemy
Montana Lady, no but the original version does say " I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm" so it's not too far off the mark and certainly not made popular by Hollywood. It is a translation which was made at a later date by the medical community.
I think Fauchi forgot
Funeral Directors are bound to the same oath. I know, I took it :)
Kos, I visited Kos for a month and loved it so very much! What beautiful place! So much history and stunning scenery! Friendly people and delicious food and hospitality! It was the holiday of a lifetime!
Player #134470403
Player #134470403
UK doctors have not pledged the oath for quite a while now.
Jenn Natalia
Jenn Natalia
many broken oaths during 2020...
Carol Grunau, Purdue Pharma and the infamous Sackler family were the most instrumental in creating the opioid crisis. My PCP treated me with opioids for 7 years. I’m an RN of 45 years experience. I took the opioids as they increased my functionality and they were sold as being safe and without addiction potential. Opioids seemed to be a God send to those of us with intractable pain. I greatly desired to continue working. I love my profession. But soon we began seeing the overdoses and fatalities coming through the ER and folks being prescribed fentanyl for pain that could be controlled by the use of other treatments. THEN we had the opioid crisis. I desperately wanted to get off opioids but my PCP had no idea how to get me off. Instead he prescribed me an fentanyl patch! I asked pharmacists for assist, but they were in the dark, too. I ended up taking myself off and had a nightmare withdrawal. On the 3rd day we went to UPMC Pittsburgh and they provided some symptomatic relief. Family and friends were hugely supportive. It took awhile to get to feeling good again. Since then I’ve had 4 joint replacements and 2 spinal surgeries and a spinal cord stimulator. My PCP told me, before starting opioids, that I wasn’t a ‘surgical candidate.’ I’m very functional now, travel and do things that I want to do. I’m thankful to wonderful, devoted surgeons. I am aware that there are people that require opioids for pain control. There are uses for opioids. I never regretted being opioid free.
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
Drassini, Did you think carefully? The Old Testament starts with the creation of the world and the creation of man. It is impossible to say belief in many gods started before that!
Kek, Apollo wasn't a God of death and destruction he was the god of music, poetry, art, prophecy, truth, archery, plague, healing, sun and light (although the god is always associated with the sun.
CinderBullets, not even right. Many religions and beliefs came about long before the bible was mentioned
there's no part of that oath to not rip people off for as much money as possible however
Player #1063954, so good was was invented
CertainOgre1, Montana Lady is 101% correct. the first do no harm is a construction of hollywood imagination and has no basis in historical fact
Montana Lady, Thank you for the info. I’m old but never to old to learn 😋
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
UnderwaterAlly15205, in this day and age people also swear oaths to gods in courts of law. Same difference.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
PearlSkipper24695, nope. Saturn V moon-bound rockets.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
CinderBullets, Drassini didn't say anything about the existence of any gods, only about other cultures developing their religions before the Hebrews developed theirs. The Egyptians and the Hindus are also good examples.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Player #22472339, there was originally, if I understand correctly. Presumably the wording was changed as the old Greek gods fell out of fashion.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Player #17248394, I never heard about Moses healing a snake. That's nice of him!
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
player384555, I wonder what oath the aliens take before they commence probing?
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
MrVain, modern oaths properly avoid invoking any gods, e.g., "I solemnly dedicate myself . . ." Much more appropriate in a rational academic or professional setting.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
rafter, Asclepius. Hermes had the caduceus (two snakes wrapped around a winged staff).
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Mack, thanks! You just gave me an idea for a drinking game for the hospital Christmas party.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Zavi, a single snake wrapped around a plain wooden staff is the Rod of Asclepius, a genuine symbol of medicine. (It features in paramedic's Star of Life and on the standard veterinary logo, among other professional icons.) Two snakes wrapped around a winged staff is the caduceus, the symbol of Hermes, the fast-talking, manipulative messenger of the gods. While it would more appropriately be the symbol of lawyers and used-car salespeople, the caduceus (due to a mistake by some US Army officer in the early 20th century) has been falsely used as a medical symbol ever since, mostly in commercial settings like health-insurance company logos.
Drassini, Thought of or revealed? 🧐🤔😏
Carol Grunau
Carol Grunau
truth has been squelched for eons!! facts are facts!
Carol Grunau
Carol Grunau
CertainOgre1, I'd like to know about the do all you can to ease their pain comes in! not these days!! In my opinion, doctors created the opiod problem in many ways, yet suffering people are paying for yhis!this!! unfait, horrible, very depressing.
Montana Lady, true but it's loosely a translation of "and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage"
Player #1063954, it was more fun when there were lots of gods. If you didn't get your wish, people could say you just contacted the wrong god. With just one well...
Highlander, I have been to a lot of uncaring doctors… won’t answer my specific questions; only a hunch of their shoulders or this sheepish smile. At this hospital the doctors want you out of the room in about 15 minutes. Thusly, not standing by their oath. I have been to one who is extraordinary.
Drassini, Truth came through the the later.