In 1898, who wrote "The War of the Worlds"?
Correct answer: H. G. Wells

Greeny Froggy
My mom would let us stay up late and watch these movies on my dads bowling night. Loved both of these movies. Sometimes she would read them to us. Jules Vern , 20,000 Leagues under the Sea was also a favorite.8

If you have never listened to the 1938 radio broadcast of Orson Welles and his Mercury Theater adaptation of The War of the Worlds in which he did such an amazing job of modernizing H.G. Wells original story I highly recommend doing so. At the time of the broadcast he mentions throughout that it is was a performance but still he caused panic that an actual Martian invasion was occurring resulting in police departments receiving thousands of calls about it as well as the CBS switchboard and I think Radio City Music Hall having their switchboard lit up throughout the broadcast from panic listeners. Ironically the next day when Orson Welles had understood the full impact he had unleashed on listeners, he thought his career was finished. Thankfully it was just the opposite and he went on to be a Hollywood Legend!

The 1953 movie version of The War of the Worlds was like an obsession with me as a kid. I still watch it if I catch it being shown on old movie channels.

Loved Jeff Wayne's musical version as a kid. Forever Autumn is a classic.

that is a terrific book

Da' Boss
this is the one thing i did know!!!!!

Cool movie! One little germ saved the human race. OPPS: Spoiler Alert (bet I get some thumbs down for this one!!!)

A former resident of my home town.
A mural used to cover a wall near his home but it was replaced by a Charles Darwin mural (a slightly more famous local resident)

Player #36500866
Tmd196925, i used to live next to Horsell common so it was very interesting to me

the Jack Nicholson or Tom Cruise movie? Mars Attack, War of the World

got the eBook,really love the musicals and soundtrack.

Player #30076810
in the 1898 H.G. wells wrote the war of the worlds

Happy Dread
research project looking glass

great film watch it many times

Player granddad
Fandazz1, love that film always brings a tear when the priest gets zapped

DJ Frogs
LoopyLynda74, I have heard the panic wasn't that big but newspapers exaggerated it to discredit the increasingly popular radio

Player #5602826
seriously? Poe was the 2nd best choice? pathetic

My Mom was an avid science fiction reader. So I've read all the great science fiction novels and short stories. My favorites are The Caves of Steel and Naked Sun by Issac Asimov.

MrOatcake2772, I just added this to my Google playlist. I've got the vinyl original.

LoopyLynda74, I visited Grover's Mill, NJ a few years ago. There's a small monument in the field of the site where the "Martians landed". And a coffee shop/souvenir shop, of course. Worth a visit if you're ever in NJ, IMO.

Player #3874355
If u have ever watched the film you will know the answer, although I didn't like Tom cruise in the modern film luis

LoopyLynda74, can't believe this wasn't mentioned in the article!!

Player Elf Council
RuralTroglodyte83040, I listened to it on the BBC when I was very young. As a serial it had some great cliff hanger endings to the episodes.

the best sci-fi novel ever written

he was a man of vision

Greeny Froggy, Thanks for the Jules Vern reminder! Enjoyed that movie a lot!

Richard burton was the best how he told the story the 53 film was good the cruise film was just bad and cannot wait until it is showing on bbc this year where it belongs Victorian times in the UK where it belongs from horsell common Woking

IconicYodeler75974, Thanks. I always appreciate someone liking me being a nerd! :)

LoopyLynda74, a brilliant piece of contextual information

I got this
LoopyLynda74, I wondered why they didn't say anything about this in the comment they wrote under the question. I think this is too interesting to leave out. I wonder how many already knew this. It was definitely a huge scare to allot of people who were listening that day! Seriously it's a must hear! ✌💖

I got this
Greeny Froggy, or Journey to the Center of the Earth!

Fandazz1, they used to show it on late matinee,Saturday's

Player #1473463, Tom Cruise suks lol

got my kids hooked on old time radio broadcasts.