Which European country was reunified in 1990?
Correct answer: Germany

Player #1753285, wall down 89, reunification 90

The Doctor, trust me it wasn't his speech that brought the wall down. It was a long process in the making.

But didn't the wall go down in 89?

Tear down the wall!

Interesting...since, after the iron curtain collapsed, Germany was the only one to reunite... . Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia dissolved... .I guess, "strength through unity",applies only to Germany (a country that always knew what it wanted...listen to their anthem

I am a proud German American.. my mom was born there and came over in 1950.. we still can't have German pride parades though.. the last ones did not end well..

Don't forget Reagan's contribution to this historic event.

can't belive I clicked on the wrong answer 🙁

Kreontaz, when the Union Jack was put together, Wales wasn't a separate country, it had already been absorbed by England, so no separate flag.

It all started in Poland. A year-long (illegal) work strike led by a man of extraordinary courage, Lech Walesa and his Solidarity movement. Standing by him, literally and figuratively, the world's first Polish Pope, John Paul II. Watching this standoff between one Polish man and his Polish Pope against the monolith of Soviet communism was awe-inspiring and world-changing.

Player #120374466
Player #125843019, Yes, Gorbachev was a more moderate politician. Under his administration there was a gradual openness to freedom.

Player #120374466
Guillermo, The USA does have German style October Festivals throughout the nation. I've been to some over the years. I have some German from my father's side, Von Kahle

Player #125843019
It was a good job putin was not in charge of Russia

Player #125843019
Player #45303196, how many more times it is the union flag.

Player #125843019
heyluigie, it was not the union jack, it was the union flag

I wept with joy as I watched the wall come down. I lived the first 35 years of my life during the Cold War, under constant threat of nuclear war. This was the breaking of a new dawn.

As predicted by Alvin & the chipmunks

puca, we all do that sometimes so don’t feel bad, , I love Germany, beautiful and good people, , I’m not crazy about the beer tho, haha

Lucy Lu
The other options are blatantly obvious…

It was good for Germany and very bad for Europe...

Ich bin ein Deutscher

Dī-oh-nī’-sus, sorry but it came down November 9th, 1989. I was there!

Player #45303196
Kreontaz, The flag of Wales represents a red dragon on a green and white field. Surely you understand why it is not on the Union Jack.

Player #45303196
heyluigie, Sorry but there is a flag of Wales. It is called Y Ddraig Goch meaning the red dragon. It consists of a red dragon passant on a green and white field. Not easy to put on the Union Jack.

Fun guy
they could have said something about the wall..

I should have known this, lol

Serbian Spartan
Player #17622305, Part of Serbia

Player #22007309
Player #17622305, how many flags are there??? justmelori

Player #22007309
puca, we know you knew it! justmelori

JimmyLovesQL, Reagan said what his speechwriters wrote.

Player #21374632
AltitudeGirl, ,!,...Love Germany,,its gut ,

Player #21374632
puca, I did that earlier today,,lol

Player #17688875, UK comprises of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The union jack is a combination of the flags of England, Scotland and N.Ireland. (I don't know why Wales' flag is not a part) That's why they usually put the Union Jack above UK.

As my Auntie lived in Berlin from 1956 to 1993 .Wall was finally broken through on the evening of 9th November 1989, and most of 1990 work to take down huge parts in and around Berlin began in ernst. With the DDR now part of the Federal government, Laws and Legislations to come into effect from 1993 .Chancellor Kohl dissolved the west German Government in April and form a new German Government back in Berlin, with the Green Party to help implement environmental waste, emissions to air water and Factory Carbon emissions. The Government was also formed with Social Democrats and moderate Liberals.

God bless The Hoff for reuniting East and West, single handedly.