In which country was Trivial Pursuit created?
Correct answer: Canada

For a glimpse at Canadian inventions, besides maple syrup, that also have value, check Wikipedia's List of Canadian inventions and discoveries...

Love to play Trivial Pursuit. We play in teams to make it go faster and can consult with our teammate.

Eric, I did not know Trivial pursuit was made and created in the great white north aka Canada. cool.

Fun guy
we got tired of playing monopoly, Eh ?

Often played this game. Probably the reason I'm playing this game.

gamehappy0728, Sometimes I would like to go back and change my answer! I choose the US; shows me I should not be so Gun Ho for my country LAND OF MY BIRTH, LOL!

See? Canada is good for something other than frigid Great White North jokes.

Player #9388224
learn something new - cool 😎

Chilled Tea
I have the Harry Potter version

RapidVampire223, are you okay there, vampire?

Player #1489294
RapidVampire223, What are you saying ?