Who is the patron saint of Ireland?
Correct answer: Saint Patrick

I'm half Irish & half English. I've been fighting with myself for years.

St. Patrick was actually Welsh...

Player #1075777
I love this game. Im heading out to Iteland this Sunday. Sept.23 2018. Cool

my birthday is on Saint Patrick's day, I was quite literally born to answer this question correctly! lol!

CataTonic74, a welsh slave brought to ireland that ended up teaching us Christianity

Player #17691939
It seems like everyone on both sides are wrong about the snakes. The snakes the legend refers to are actual snakes. The legend states that while St. Patrick was praying on a hill he was attacked by snakes and drove them into the sea. Most Irish people probably know this.
The science behind the legend is that there have not been snakes in Ireland since the last Ice Age over 10,000 years ago (long before St. Patrick). Ireland was separated from England by rising seas from glacial melt before the climate was warm enough for snakes to return. England was separated from continental Europe later, but still only 3 species returned that far north by the time England separated.
However, even though there were no snakes in Ireland, the legend IS about actual snakes and not non-Christians.

DourGeneral48009, aren’t catholics Christian too?

CataTonic74, It doesn't state he's Irish, just that he's the Patron Saint of Ireland...actually.

Player #919840, not snakes as in animals but rather "snakes" meaning nonchristians

Player #13617311
Player #3555879, Unfortunately, this has come out as far, far too common. Although I have not heard negative news about the Nuns, except there past use of rulers in the classroom. I have been a social worker for a very, very long time and unfortunately sexual abuse occurs in dramatic rates in all religions, all socioeconomic levels, all levels of education, within family members & friends, even siblings, within schools: private, religious, public, wealthy, impoverished.

Lionessa, but Jesus is a Jewish man.

Player #148306542
I'm Irish on my mother's side and German on my father's side, lost of blue eyes in my family.

McBubba9, Yes, Catholics are Christians, all the way back to Jesus.

being born in England to Irish parents, I have mixed loyalties when it comes to the football, but all day long it's Ireland when it comes to the rugger, they've always, and still have a great rugby side.


Cheese Open Opening
Vixen, everyone knows that 🤓

Bjach, cool 😎

ZombieViking,That is so true

I knew the answer cause when I was at catechism we learned about him on saint Patrick🍀

Proud of my Irish heritage

not sure where I got this game from.

My kids last name O’Kelly and their father is Black….

the Mary's
I just guessed the right answer, right 😊 thanks the lord 🙏 Jesus 🙏.

So many contradictory "facts" from so many people who think they are experts on the subject.
it's very difficult to find the answers even in research books as it is all based on legend and who is commenting on that legend.

Player #70709444
CataTonic74, no

ItsaMeaMarioOriginal, lies and not fact nor ever proven

Player #13617311, what are dramatic rates 🙄 ? if happened yes and was bad but stop making a mountain of a mole hill 😉

McBubba9, not anymore than protestants are. being something doesn't make you a Christian. having faith in the resurrection that saves you does

Linda, not a Welch slave. a Welch who was kidnapped to Ireland and sold as slave then escaped and later returned to tell the gospel

Bjach, 🤣

note he was not from Ireland but was kidnapped to Ireland and made a slave and Escaped only to return and preach the gospel to the druids and alike

Saint Patrick's

It's great I watched the Irish Wishlist ☺️ so I got the idea 😁

Bjach, Now THAT was funny! 😂

St. Patrick was also an actually...

I had no clue of the answer but the picture made me guessed right....

Player #17691939, snakes in this instance refers to paganism and Patrick converted them to Christianity hence he drove out paganism not actual snakes

In other words they murdered individuals for not being catholic?

Bjach, I understand that but I'm also native Americans

St. Paddy- never, ever Patty.