Which is the smallest US state in land area?
Correct answer: Rhode Island

i grew up in Newport ,my mom and dad got married in the same church as JFK and Jackie St.Marys on Spring Stret. i have alot of trivia on Newport its a very beautiful and historical town

grew up in RI so I know the state

Player #3582474
I live in Delaware and its nickname is the small wonder. I just figured it was tha smallest. nice to know

would love to visit Rhode island & Maine

Player #10369092
williambuell590, I believe Delaware was the first state and RI was the last of the 13 to ratify the Constitution. I like RI; was born there.

littleRhody625, my family has lived in Johnston forever.

Josephvasta969, i live in Johnston, R.I.

Player #4073712
I live in RI 😎

Player #20140387
Beautiful scenes of RI still stucked in my mind. Awesome people and amazing trip. God bless yall.

Flipfloplivin #21341237
My boyfriend grew up in Providence and everyone knows everyone. Beautiful state!

Player #42242010, I agree. Was born there. So many people shorten names of cities (lazy talk) or mispronounce names through lack of knowledge.

Tyson, just a wild guess. Maybe it was first settled by a person with the name of Rhode, and being surrounded by water with little knowledge, Mr/Mrs Rhode thought it was an island.
Then again, maybe island could mean a very peaceful area. Will research.

Vai, I was wondering the same thing.

Ana, me too! I mean, I live a few miles from Newport, KY. as well.😀

Why do they call it Rhode ISLAND? We once flew a plane over it and it took about thirty minutes to fly across.

The picture shows California, right?

barbclayton, I have a strange feeling you aren’t talking about the Newport that’s 5 miles away from me; here in Kentucky.

James Hill
lived in Rhode Island 30 years great state

barbclayton, I grew up there as well. I will never forget my address 18 Chadwick St. My elementary school was Sullivan.

I love all of the knowledge from those who lived there. It's so interesting!

Rhode Island is neither a road nor is it an island. Discuss. 🤣

I live in Nebraska, but I want to visit Rhode Island someday!

I didn't know that

The county I live in, Maricopa county, is five times larger than Rhode Island.

What does the picture of the Golden Gate Bridge have to do with RI !? Still got it right though.

Pansypearl Hood
I got this right however, whatever do you mean?*

Player #58092313
Player #42242010,
and they don't consider Ricaroni a treat.

Ainelynn, the Golden Gate Bridge is in San Francisco (definitely NOT called Frisco… VERY uncool).

Player #42242010
Ainelynn, People from the Bay Area NEVER call San Francico Frisco. They consider it RUDE!!!

I was born in Newport also. I left when I was 3 1/2 yrs old to Tennessee/Georgia and I've never been back.

H.P. Lovecraft was born & died in Providence, which is also the home of TAPS, The Atlantic Paranormal Society!

Player #41290747
I've never heard of RI Sound!? Born and raised here

Player #39952169
jeter702, Maine is a very nice state to visit lot of beauty up here

Player #34970568
Player #32468838, I grew up in R.I. and never understood the Providence Plantation

Player #33250099
ruprayn, not true

Player #33250099
Player #7931343, high taxes for sure

David R. Rhode Islan
Player #14784559, I forget the person who gave the name due to the "Island's" reminded him of Rhodes Greese..I believe

David R. Rhode Islan
jeter702, Rhode Island is known for its calamari..lived here 53yrs and visit family in Maine..try Amatos Sandwiches in Scarborough rt.1

Player #32468838
Progress being made! Voters in November 2020 approved legislation to remove "Providence Plantation" from it's name! 😁

I live in San Antonio TX, where you could fit 2 RI inside, and have some to spare.