What genre of book is Isaac Asimov famous for?
Correct answer: Science fiction

Heartland Old Guy
He also wrote a guide to the Bible in two volumes. Yes, a science guy. Well versed in a multitude of topics. A great writer. Have enjoyed many of his books. Great imagination!

My absolute favorite SF author. Met him once in Philly when he was giving a talk at the intro to an exhibit at the Franklin Institute Museum. My parents and sister worked there, and my sister created the exhibit's art backgrounds and advertising.
He also originated the three laws of Robotics through his character Dr. Susan Calvin. These three laws are being used today in earnest by people working in the Artificial Intelligence community.

Heartland Old Guy, Thank you for the information and I will definitely be looking for his books.

Player #118357
Player #185561, Galactic Empire may have influenced Star Wars, but they weren't the same thing.

GrandmaTanya, If you like SciFi, you will love his books! Happy Reading. ☺

You can find full length video on YouTube of the animated film adaptation of his book Light Years aka Gandahar. Find it. Watch it. Worth it!

Wifey Killdozer
Asimov was extremely helpful to me. Explained basic quantum theory to me, and after losing my hearing as a teen who survived spinal meningitis, his book,a companion, The Human Brain: It's Abilities and Functions, got me to understand that if I crack open a person's skull, I can point out and explain in detail which particular nerve bases are responsible for hearing or lack thereof.

I'm an avid reader but I've never read any of his writings. Thank you majority vote!!

Incredibly prolific. Long live Hari Seldon.

Unquestionably a great American author whose works are timeless.

Cat Mom
noodles michelle , way to go! But it will still give the info whether you get the answer right or wrong

He was Such an Awesome writer!!

warrior maddison 🗡🚬⚔️
hi everyone I just got this right and when you get the right answer it gives you amazing facts about the question you answered I'm glad I downloaded this game

Phiend99, A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey orders given to it by a human being except when such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

One of my favorite authors.

He also wrote All Four Stanzas about how we got The Star Spangled Banner. I enjoyed it so much I turned it into a presentation/history lesson with music. Check out the article—very informative and entertaining!!

Knew him, loved him.

The Bailey, earth, empire, and foundation series’ are one story arc even the end of eternity book figures in.

One of the first authors I enjoyed, wonderful for expanding imagination

Such an influential man; too bad he didn't recognize the impact he could have had if he had allowed his family to disclose his manner of death in a timely fashion. (It was AIDS and he got it the same way Arthur Ashe did. Family didn't say anything for almost 20 years.)

A good read is "Yours, Isaac." A collection of personal letters to fans, scientists, et.al. My favorite was from a boy named Isaac who was being tormented by fellow classmates. Mr. Asimov pointed out all the great Isaac's in history from the Bible to Newton and so forth...

Play grananny
He also wrote limericks, often rather "dirty".

I was a friend. He was an absolutely fantastic person to hang out with.

Player #12570223
One of the great writers in any genre

Phiend99, is that Dr Susan Calvin mentioned in I-Robot? as well as the 3 laws mentioned in the film?