Who was the second king of Israel?

Correct answer: David

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
Player Meyer
Player Meyer
David was sinful like everyone but he turned to God, repented and asked for God’s forgiveness. His sins and bad choices had bad consequences just like ours.
Player #48458, that is not the only thing in his life. He was also a good man who repented and was forgiven. No human being is without fault....."he who is without sin cast the first stone" Jesus said!
Player #48458
Player #48458
I love the go j history of davidsreign apparently he figured he had the right to take another man's wife away and then assign him to the front of the army to get killed
Player #146731941
Player #146731941
Each generation's behavior is determined by what is happening at the time. David' behavior is in line with his generation..not that I'm saying it's right..however we all behave accirding to the generation we fall(born) in.
little b
little b
i know a support worker called David
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
Player Meyer, Not forgetting Solomon & Samson extra ordinary strong men who still fell. every time pride poisoned the efforts against God. ! ! !
I have always wondered, the name David is a really old name. So when did people start calling the person Dave? King Dave sounds kinda funny, but maybe his friends called him Dave when no one was around. Like, "hey Dave, pour me another chalice of wine and be quick my good King "
Loren, Jesus is Lord