What did Hymen Lipman do that made life easier for students?
Correct answer: Put an eraser together with a pencil

ImpertinentPony72241, not as long as there are people around who like to draw

One of the best inventions ever, though will go the way of the obsolete with technology.

ImpertinentPony72241, not as long as I'm around, it won't. l could probably keep Dixon in business single-handed.

Laudy Miss Claudy
Doesn't Faber still make mechanical pencils and pens?

crossword puzzlers will always need an eraser!

now everyone uses a delete button.

Looking at his portrait, he must have been teased mercilessly for his first name.

Player #45505475
Johnny Carson used a pencil with an eraser at each end. He did this so be could always bounce it

Gary, Not everyone!

Player #38618593
As a kid, I found that my pencil eraser usually wore down before my pencil did. So I always had a separate eraser anyway. Still do.

RogueRanger83207, One does the Crossword Puzzle in INK! (;

RogueRanger83207, not all crossword puzzlers do

Player #120374466
Player #41794449, Although some factions lately keep trying to do it.

Player #120374466
Player #58092313, That's a good one!

Player #120374466
ImpertinentPony72241, I disagree. We have been in the computer age for decades, but pencil has not gone away, because its practical and inexpensive.

Giggle pig
I cannot believe somebody actually named their boy Hyman.

ImpertinentPony72241, i’m a artist and I love to use number 2 pencils still . some times hard to find.

Player #58092313
Player #38618593,
erasers are not only for people who make mistakes, but more importantly for people who are honest enough to admit it and do something about it!

Player #62752956
That’s over $2M in today’s dollars. Go Hyman!!

Dragon Butter 23
Gary, eventually delete buttons require a power source, this making it inferior to the pencil.✏️✏️

Player #41794449
history is never erased....

Player #5100533
By the look of his dress. I denoted that he was much to early to invent a calculator.

US State Court is correct on not recognizing it as an invention. Elpman just enhanced it...

LustrousGazelle3, no idea. Why do you ask?

Player #3833664, That’s probably because he was born to English parents .