In Norse mythology, who is the father of Thor?
Correct answer: Odin

Saint Nine
Aeldfrith, apparently many scholars conflate Frigg and Freya due to considerable “thematic” overlap. Also, in Old High German Frigg is Frija, very similar to Freya. Friday is named after Frigg, but the Freya's similarity to Frija may well account for her inclusion as a source for Friday.
Comparing English, French & German:
Monday, Montag, lundi = moon day.
Tuesday, mardi, Dienstag = Tiw, god of war equivalent to Mars.
Wednesday, mercredi, Mittwoch, Woden,
Thursday, jeudi, Donnerstag, Thunor, god of thunder, equivalent to Jupiter.
Friday, vendredi, Freitag, Frigg, (loosely) goddess of love, equivalent to Venus.
Saturday, samedi, Samstag/Sonnabend, Saturn's day. The alternative German = Sun Eve.
Sunday, dimanche, Sonntag, Sun's day, or lords day for the French.

thor is a great movie

Player pepper105
ejiiij06, And Chris Hemsworth don't hurt my eyes either. HELLO HANDSOME! 😎

My German friend just named her son Odin! Interesting to find out more about the origins of the name :).

vishal rocks
all marvel fans will get this right

I like Lego Odin Avengers Age of Ultron

I see Thor and I immediately picture Chris Hemsworth

i wonder if his wife Frigg has a history (etynology) with the word Frigid. z will Google it but just some food for thought. Or does everyone already know this? _

WiseWoman, so do I, as well as Greek/Roman mythology. it's interesting.

little b
I'm not Orion

vishal rocks, I hate marvel and I got it right

Nigerians will better explain whom "Odin" is!😅😅

Player #25874027
Saint Nine,
You did not note that the French Friday Vendredi is actually Vendre di selling day - Market day

Fun guy
how did Frigg become a bad word ?

odin son is wavin

Player #13023389
Couldn't even guess the answer and I'm part German. Debby

Player #18659541
that was a guess cos i hadnt a clue 😁

ninjagranny #24337166
Saint Nine, interesting...thanks for that info ✌

He is the father of Thor, and former king of Asgard

Player #2331803
"You a cruel and selfish boy!"

Player #5100533
max_078, Maybe Angry Birds is more YOUR speed??? Get off the couch & go watch a movie or something. (Thor) You may learn a little about Mythology???

Player #5100533
ejiiij06, Everyone knows Loki is Thor's Brother. The hammer is like Excalibur, ONLY the "worthy" can wield it...

Ok, but what's with the hammer?

Player #5099592
max_078, and get lives ????

Player #9043571
Saint Nine, wow! knew Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, never sure about Monday and Tuesday. thanks for that

Randall Stone, should that be Freya's day?

tressjflanigen0528, funny