What high ranking Nazi official flew solo to Scotland in 1941 in an attempt to negotiate peace?

Correct answer: Rudolph Hess

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What people think about it: 23 Comments
I was in the Greek army during WW2 and when Nazi Germany surrendered, they were in Crete. I was 24. It was a great day! The Germans were horrible in those days.
he did participate in the Holocaust by endorsing anti Semitic policies, laws, etc. which led to genocide
Hitler did not seize power, he was elected.
and that was too good for that monster!
The Nazis wanted him dead and the allies branded him a war criminal truly a man without a country.
Gem cart
Gem cart
I admit, this scum doesn’t deserve an execution. Sometimes living in pain, guilt, reflecting on their wrongdoing is a better reminder of all they deserve
Player Mike P.
Player Mike P.
Centenarian, From a fellow Greek, thank you for your service and sacrifice. My father was also a soldier in Greece at the time of the German invation. He was captured in Argos and released to find his way back in Kavala.
Player #29700568
Player #29700568
Gary, After his election Hitler passed the enabling act giving him emergency powers to pass laws without the Reichstag's approval which means he seized power.
Player #8297262
Player #8297262
I remember serving in the British Army in Berlin. watching the Russians, watching Hessle.
Centenarian, thank you for your service! XOXO
Gem cart, that's only if they have a conscience
This story of Hess crash landing in a field in Eaglesham is very well known here. It’s just a short drive from where I live and a few miles outside Glasgow. I don’t think they ever worked out what he was really trying to do. Very strange. Why was he not executed like the other Nazis?
Centenarian, My Father and Uncles served in WWII in different parts of the Royal Australian Armed Forces. My Father spoke very well of the Greeks and their bravery and courage. None of them or their friends talked much of their own experiences...but did talk about more general information and since a child I have tried to learn as much about the war as possible. Thankyou so much for your bravery and service.
Centenarian, My Father and Uncles served in WWII in different parts of the Royal Australian Armed Forces. My Father spoke very well of the Greeks and their bravery and courage. None of them or their friends talked much of their own experiences...but did talk about more general information and since a child I have tried to learn as much about the war as possible. Thankyou so much for your bravery and service.
Gary, he did seize power, the night of the long knives, when he killed the leaders of parliament and brought in the nazi's to take control
Gary, so that makes it all right then🤯
Player #24894264
Player #24894264
Gary, Hitler positioned himself to be elected. he got rid of adversaries. he positioned himself as the leader then made sure it happened. Hitler was NOT simply elected.
My fourth question involving Germany this evening (5 if you include an Einstein question).
After Hess died they razed Spandau to the ground and built a shopping centre; the local British armed forces nicknamed it Hessco's
On 10 May 1941, Adolf Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess parachuted into Scotland, landing in a field near Eaglesham. I grew up 3 miles from there.
Fun guy
Fun guy
very confusing piece of info. did he try to negotiate w peaceful intent, out of regret or w intimidation ? either way, he was too far down the wrong path by then ...
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Hess was only kept imprisoned in Spandau for so long so that the Russians could maintain a presence in West Berlin
Player #1154062, they stuck, big time!!