On the U.S. TV series "Hannah Montana", which country music superstar played Hannah's godmother?
Correct answer: Dolly Parton

I've always loved Dolly Parton. She seems like the sweetest person. 💞

HazelTwigg, I agree. And maybe if more people said it instead of trying to be so PC we could get back to a moral and upright society. I'm so tired of the anything goes attitudes. What's the matter with right and wrong?

It's a downright dirty shame what "Hannaford Montana" became. I now it's old fashioned to say so, but there it is.

DapperQuail80217, - Sad to say, but I watch too much TV. Never watched Miley's show which explains why I missed this question. Like Billy Ray's music, but not so much daughter Miley's offerings.

Player #62752956
Dolly is the greatest! Super talented and tremendously successful business person, but also so kind and humble. Such a rare mix!

Curmudgeon, Yes, and Miley Cyrus is a national embarrassment...

Curmudgeon, I loved her famous quotation when she asked, "Do you realize how much it costs to look cheap?"

Player #31304201
Hey😊Hi. Dolly Is A Sweet Person. She's Known To Keep "A "Positive" Out-L👀k", n She IS "Bubbly". She's "Genuine" Too. Of Course, As She's Known To Say, n I'm Para-Phrasin' Here, "*JESUS* PLEASES*"!

DapperQuail80217, she has always said Its real expensive to look this cheap!! isnt that funny??!!

I do not watch TV and can't answer any question re.television shows.