What is the Big Bang said to have created?
Correct answer: The Universe

I'm pretty sure everyone was familier with The big bang theory long before the sitcom existed.

FunkyMonkey, Everyone has a choice on whether they believe in God or not. Some should learn that its not their job to force any religion upon others just because they believe in one or another. ;)

Reading these comments makes for a great social study. It's easy to see how religion has been the motivator for humanity's greatest atrocities, wars and genocides against itself. All religions throughout history, in the present day and inevitably in the future, breed death and hatred.

Boy, you can really get some folks worked up by mentioning religion!!!

MickSfin, I agree... in the name of religion we have killed more people than any other cause. It's crazy that for the sake of an idea we are willing to fight and kill. Especially an idea that generally tells us not to kill and to be kind to each other. It is time to stop fighting in the name of religion and come together to find a way of co-existing in peace no matter what our beliefs.

Why do religious people who hate facts play games like this anyway? They trying to trigger themselves?

markferris5165, Good to know I've been living without hope all these years. Did the man who originally theorized the Big Bang was a Catholic priest named Georges Lemaître. I think, as much as his faith in God is certain, he'd be pretty disappointed to hear you dismiss science so cavalierly. The Big Bang actually does have hard evidence backing it. For example, we know from obsetvation that the universe is expanding...

Player #3618838
MickSfin, opposing theories of religion should Never be the cause of war.

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state.....

Redeemed 2001
it's not religion that caused wars and atrocities. it's MAN

All four are correct!

Fck U
NayT2007, no not really

MickSfin, Absolutely agree there. "Religion is the opium of the masses", may not be as true today as in the past but yet it still causes wars, has heinous sexual and is essentially brainwashing the young who are raised by religious values. when you look at the most devout religious types you get

Player #130998363
What religion did Hamas use for an excuse to slaughter 1200 Israelis in October?

Player #130998363
The Big bang Theory...Jesus spoke and BANG it happened. Alleluia

Jenn Natalia
carrielwb, do you believe in ghosts?

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Beautiful mythologies/ faiths/ religions/ cults/ beliefs/ etc. (pick a term you prefer, they are all interchangeable). It is Groovy to learn the different lores of old & new. Would never demean a person for their beliefs and/ or opinion. To each their own; none better, nor worse than any other. Though, pontificating is unwarranted unless specifically asked for by another; otherwise silence is golden.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
MindERacing43, "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" (1979 Book) & (2005 Movie) Don't forget your towel!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
mdholl, Many, people believe they are correct when it comes to religion & if your views differ from theirs, they feel that they must "save" you by conversion, otherwise your life & your "soul" is in jeopardy.

VividPotion6704, actually we've killed more in the name of money.

MindERacing43, touche....don't panic 👍

MALICE, Yes, just like it's not the job of others to force people to Not believe in God.

Mars V
hedgemo, I’m Catholic, and I adore facts, and evolution, and big bangs, and proper grammar. Yay God!!!

Jean Louise
MickSfin, All greed and corruption does this. Political, corporate, media and religion. I am angry that evil people infiltrate all these areas, exploit the people who look to these for law and order; goods and services like food& medicine; information;spiritual guidance.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to display an "All of the above" answer? Can't much have an earth, a sun, an apple pie, etc without the universe, now can we?

Chris RN
Redeemed 2001, Man being motivated by greed as well as religion.

NayT2007, Not in the mainstream.

Technically all other options were also created by the big ban

Wannabe Vulcan
abobo, like the theory of gravity. Who's to say things fall down?! /s/

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #3618838, no, it shouldn't. But it has been throughout history.

Interestingly enough the James Webb telescope has shown so much detail that some scientist are beginning to question the Big Bang theories occurrence.

September 10th., 2022
Up until these days (2022), the Big Bang Theory is the most accepted theory in scientific and religious circles, though it's not the last word in the pursuit of the truth Origin and Evolution of the Universe. It is taught in Educational and Research Institutions as if it were a Law, but it has some flaws. To begin with, it doesn't explain why is there a more accelerated expansion rate at the confines of the Universe. Now that we can see more clearly at the "edges" of our Universe, not only with the Hubble, the Kepler or the more recent James Web telescope, the acceleration of those so far celestial bodies is augmenting. The cosmological constant has to be recalculated and adjusted just to try to fit on the standard model. Only 5 % of the Universe is detectable with our different instruments and devices, 27 % is said to be Dark Matter, and 68 % is referred as to be on or as Energy), and gravitation is the predominating field originated by masses, then the Universe should be slowing down instead of accelerating. In order to fulfill the acceleration of the Universe, more matter should have to be created continuously, and then Big Bang doesn't explain it, because for it all matter and energy was created by the explosion of that first proto particle. I think Big Bang was a very good attempt to try to explain the Origin and Evolution of the Universe, but we're at the rising of a new era, where new theories will try to explain the truth behind the curtain.

Curmudgeon, i like to say, " God said, 'Let there be...' and, BANG! there it was. "

Player #40334690
Jewgirl, yeah , just like religion correct

Player #40334690
someDudeOnline, me , I did I'm the secret

Player #40334690
Dragon Butter 23, if God created everything then isn't God to blame for all things both good and evil hence he is to blame for all deaths by war or not ?

Player #40334690
hvnfun, but if anything is possible isn't it possible that nothing is possible

Player #40334690
WaldoLydeker, no he doesn't

Player #40334690
Curmudgeon, ok then who created the creator and so on btw magic isn't real so something had to be first so yeah

Player #48600930
MickSfin, reli