What musical instrument did Jack Benny play?
Correct answer: Violin

he was actually a very good violinist.

He did a great sketch with Liberachi wherebhe walked out on stage with mini candleabra attached to his violin. You can find in on you tube. Funny funny man and well as talented musician

"Oh, Rochester!"

Always wondered where me mum got her "39 & holding" from! She always fave thst as ger age until she was old enough for Senior Citizen discounts. lol

he had a great sense of humor

AbbyMcCloud, because twits like you need to shut your mouth, quit your entitled sounding whining and learn something that isn't regurgitated by such mind dead celebrities as the Kardashians or Miley Cyrus. Your inability to be educated gracefully speaks to your vast ignorance, so don't waste more time defending your lack of enlightenment... CHANGE it!

okay people lighten up. this is not the place to rant...go to your twitter page

Vermonter Dude
Used to watch his show and he WAS a very good violinist

Player #15121014
I greatly enjoy watching shows like his, Milton Berle, Burns and Allen, because these shows were the beginnings of TV and how real comedy developed. My favorite is the Burns and Allen show, which is hard to find. If you get a chance to watch it, I recommend it.

Player #6988980
SlyGourmand85526, In a radio skit once a mugger accosted him and demanded “your money or your life!” Benny was quiet for a moment when the mugger asked “Well?” Benny replied, “I’m thinking!” The sustained laughter that followed from the audience was/is the longest in broadcasting history!

Dumb to give letters…. Waaay too easy!

Dumb to give letters…. Waaay too easy!

Songbird55, I always loved that look he would give - staring out into the audience with a sardonic expression. He was hilarious!

Snoopy 3-24
I just love watching his old TV program- “the Jack Benny show”!!
If anyone interested it is on Antenna
TV early AM-4:30 ! But worth watching or recording it !!

...see the connection with the Marx Brothers as they were all musically talented;
especially Harpo who was an accomplished self-taught harpist amongst other things....

Katy Jo
Player #6988980, Good one!Thanks! LOL!

InspectorSmythe13, my mother too....she was thirty nine into her 80s...lol

Player #28039290
I use to watch his show I enjoyed jack and Rochester

Player #36748308
I remember when he asked the kid..."Do you play like me..?"...and the kid answered...."I used to...."....😜😉

Player #25234400
My favorite!!

The Taxman
he was a genius and a great humanitarian.

my kids attended Jack Benny middle school here in Waukegan

Player #3927342, this 65 year old also heard he was generous,and tipped well

Player #18223194
Was my friends neighbor when we were kids in BH

she Dani
I remember as it was yesterday! Always good clean family fun...

Player #13633230
It shows my age 😅😂😜

I don't know anyone

Jack was from my home town, where there is a middle school named after him! He opened it in 1962.

((TACO69)), All that was stated, in his description.

Reno&Pandi, It is a game. Lighten up.

Beef it's what's for dinner

Jack Benny's comic timing was perfection!

HisChamp, great to know,

Player #6988980
InspectorSmythe13, That’s fine m, mine did too!

HisChamp, p

Shelby Carpenter
Hilarious on-going “feud” with Fred Allen during the 40’s on radio. Odd, Benny made a successful transition to TV, but Allen did not and he was so much funnier. “It’s in the Bag” (1945) much better than any of Benny’s movies.

Player #4773559
Reno&Pandi, sounds like something stole your happy thoughts

I thought it was actually the clarinet