What was the inspiration for the Pink Floyd song, “Shine on You Crazy Diamond”?
Correct answer: A former band member

3/5 Black Knight
Pink Floyd was THE band.

Player #480482
Wow that is amazing!!! I never knew that bit of info...He sounds like he was a crazy Diamond....

penawareof, dedicate 40 or so minutes to listening to the full "wish you were here" album. A true masterpiece and massively underrated.

A couple of things stated above are not completely correct. First, Syd was never formally hospitalized for his mental illness. Second, Shine On You Crazy Diamond was not intended for a whole side of the album because it wouldn't have fit for being too long. The album was meant to be brought full circle, finishing the same way it started. It was broken into nine sections I - IX to gain larger royalties. Lastly, Syd showed up at Abbey Road Studios when the band was mixing the final vocals not recording them.

Player #2156214
Player #2990031you ....I saw them do “the wall” at Nassau coliseum on Long Island a few years back. Pig was flying around also. They built a wall across the whole stage throughout the concert and brought it down at the concerts end. Is probably the best concert I ever saw .... and I’ve seen many many many concerts.

Hoosier#1mama, saw them dark side of the moon concert 1975 seattle center colosseum. never forget it !

Player #118197
Player #480482, Syd Barret wanted Pink Floyd's sound to be like no other band....and it was like no other...very unique. Several tribute bands are now successful with Pink Floyd's music.

Greatest band of all time imo! As they were recording the song Roger Waters noticed a strange looking guy, just standing at the back, brushing his teeth, who they soon soon realised was Syd.

Player #480482, I really like Pink Floyd.

Player #5058764
My favorite album is Dark side of the moon

Player #480482, he was an amazing songwriter. His mental health problems were exacerbated by his increasing dependence on drugs, and David Gilmour had to step up and learn Syd's guitar pieces and lyrics. In the end, Syd got left behind as the band could never rely on his state of mind and whether he would be able to perform. A tragic waste.

Jesse Tello, they are that! Wish You Were Here is my favorite, then Dark Side of The Moon. Echoes is one of my favorite songs too. Check out the Pompeii video. Really good.

Player #480482, sounds like Brian Wilson

David Gilmore is probably my favorite guitarist of all time.

saw them twice in Wisconsin. once at Brewer stadium in Milwaukee and once at Camp Randall stadium in Madison awesome shows, I think it was the first light show using cobalt ( blue ) lasers.

Player #71335982
JUD4SGO4T, Also pretty sure he was never fired from the band. He left due to his problems, but never formally. The rest of the band continued to put aside a proportion of royalties up until his death. I think!

Scott Smith
Tony_M_603-NH-Dover, Ah yes grooved with a pic,good uma gooma reference

Mooney, Syd is a term for LSD, acid

MissNikki, that is your opinion

Great band back then. My kind of tunes.

I think too many several species of small furry animals gathered together and grooved inside Syd's mind and sent him to the Fletcher Memoriam.

Jesse Tello
Pink Floyd is a really great band 👏

Best Band Ever! 🌈

That was one of the most interesting questions and reason I've ever gotten on this game or any other trivia game! cool!

Player #38955227
greatest band ever

Several songs they recorded during their career together were about or influenced by Syd.

Jaymz The B.
Why,Do people yell all caps? My top 3 bands, also Led Zeppelin and The Who! MANY OF OTHER GREAT BANDS, but these are just my own top favorite groups, Peace everybody!!

Player #30990005
Pink Floyd is the best!

Player #30645874
Player #118197, I even remember Umaguma and Atom Heart Mother

Player #30812216
on my uncles head stone.. plaque... it says
'shine on you crazy diamond'

Player #23299988
when the Another Brick In The Wall through for production in the 70's. I was working audio/visual dept., so I saw & heard that album hundreds of times!

Player #23299988
I was working for Capitol Records in Winchester. Va when another

What a trip. An I'm sure it was for the poor guy. Very great tunes to tune into...

Player #27091544
My most favorite band of all time. My parents raised me on Pink Floyd, and they took our entire family of 7 to see them in concert in Chicago (‘94, I believe). I was 15. Have since seen Gilmour in Chicago and Waters in Nashville. ❤️

I would prefer this game without the plague of adverts end the momentum busting mini games. Also, is there a way to read the responses to your comments? or a place to view and edit them?

Pink Floyd is STILL THE BAND!!!!

Player steel77
hey you behind the bike shed , stand still Laddy!

Player #25469003
Picture is of Dark Side of the Moon. Shine on is on Wish You Were Here...

Long time fan. One of my proudest moments was when my youngest son, away at college at the time, bought his first Pink Floyd album and texted a pic of the cover to show off his purchase. Sadly, it was "Endless River" but still... He loves music and appereciates some of my favorites. A love of Floyd we share entirely.

Dan White
abbey not abby