The first man-made object to land on the moon was launched by what country?
Correct answer: Soviet Union

I knew Russia beat us but I didn't know all the other fascinating info. That is why I gave deleted the other trivia game I played. The majority of questions were dumb and worthless. I didn't learn anything. I LOVE THIS TRIVIA GAME BECAUSE IT TEACHES YOU VALUABLE FACTS, not garbage. THANK YOU!!!!

not sure why the Russian space programme was described as aggressive and the American space programme was successful... interesting use of language

missy189, me too, I deleted all the other trivia games, including Jeopardy! I like this format much better. I had absolutely no idea the Russians actually landed something on the moon!

Aww poor Laila. I bet she was scared

I agree this game really does teach you a lot, great game, I never knew anything about the russian probes nor the american ones that landed on the moon pre 1969. I don't recall ever hearing about them, but then again I was only 6 years old in 1969

Goddess Raven
I knew of Sputnik, didn’t know that Russia were the first to land an object on the moon though

Adore the game -absolutely hooked on it!😀

Player #3314187 rose
rose i dont think that i am doing to bad with the questions to say that i am a 71 years old

I feel for Laika....what an awful thing to do to a dog. Awful Russians

Player #22165738
aggressive. means to pursue ones aims and interests forcefully. Not necessarily a bad thing.

VividPotion6704, what would you expect? undoubtedly written by an American! :)

Banksy Art
Joker, probably ran out of oxygen and or froze to death

Player #97184361
Player #17281812, What is this teaching don’t hurt my feelings with the description of words. Aggressive in this case is not violence it just means the Russians were determined to move forward with their space programs despite what other countries were doing. They were spending the people’s money to do such even as ordinary people were starving, truth be told and one does not have to like it, but temper the hatred. ! ! !

Joker, Laika, not Laila. It's not only the name, but all can be kinda a Russian dog breed

JustJason007, they ask thousands of questions, every one can't be interesting.

While I enjoy this game better than others, there are some pretty dumb questions

missy189, most of these are dumb also

Player #44058464
TwoTin16, Actually it burned up in the atmosphere less than a year after its launch.

lou JW1914
and then the space race began

Why would they put a dog on a death mission like that? Not cool.

Of course the superior Communist state beat the weak capitalist imperialist running dogs.

In the commentary on another question, it was mentioned that the Soviet leader presented a puppy of Laika to the daughter of the US president. Having looked into it after reading this, it seems unlikely. Conflicting information.

Player #45035841
VividPotion6704, yes just what I thought. Very biased

Tremain White
I feel sorry for the poor animal, every time I'm reminded of the above.

The question or the answer is wrong, Sputnik I went into orbit but did not land on the moon.

Player #50531971
VividPotion6704, Yes, seems slanted

Player #38618593
Poor little doggie, to die alone and scared.

WestHam Till I Die
Joker, Not as scared as Laika

Player #37789067
missy189, i agree

Player #40010203
lol Russia number 1!! as they'd say. this competitiveness is so funny

Player #17281812
VividPotion6704, I totally agree. The word 'aggressive' really disturbed me while reading the story. Aren't we happy for what is achieved no matter which country did it?

yep one did.

I love that through a joint partnership, the ISS (International Space Station) is allowing us to continue to explore our universe!

Seems appropriate the Russians should be the 1st ones to the dark side of the moon.

VividPotion6704, I guess because the writer prefers the US to Russia or is just biased about Russia.

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #29700568, so far!

Player #29700568
Landing men on the moon and bringing them safely back home surely is the greatest achievement in space travel.

Player #28072267
"a little after 10 PM"? What does that mean? Is there a" moon standard time"?

I was born 4th Oct 57 and qualify as one of the first true space age babies