In a folk tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", what words opened Ali Baba's cave?
Correct answer: Open Sesame

When I was young I thought it was OPEN SAY'S A MEE


In Arabic “ eftah ya semsem” as if he says to someone called semsem to open

if he was a poor woodcutter, how would he have a slave girl?
Don't get all riled and attack me. I'm serious, I never read the story. So I honestly don't know. It just seems to me that it was only the rich folks who owned slaves...

there is treasure to be found in the Arabian world somewhere. most of the tales, have some factual history behind them. like the Illiad and story of the city of ancient Troy.

Player #25874027
You may have heard of Timbuktu. This was the capital of the Empire of Mali which I believe exists up to about 800 years ago . I recently read that the Emperor of Mali is considered to be the richest person who ever lived, richer than the Pharaohs , and the Emperor of China. Which is strange as no one has heard of him .
But there’s your Arab treasure right there

Player #50531971
Sandyberry, in societies before the U S, even slaves could own slaves. i don't know how they were acquired, but they did have them. and it wasn't racial either. anyone could be captured and sold into slavery. of course rich people could buy their way out

This is a cute saying if you're at someone's door.

Player #1240373
"open the b... door@"

Radakyl, that's the Italian version lol

Radakyl, he an Italian plumber?

Cat Mom
Sandyberry, I've never read/ heard the story either & I totally agree!

Rajeev Agrawal
It's a very popular story. many films are made on this plot. Marzina was so brilliant lady. She saved Alibaba many times.
later she was married to the son of Alibaba.

Player #120374466
Sandyberry, That's what I was thinking. Heard about the story over the years, but never knew the details.

Player #25874027, you could create a question here on this 😉

This always make me think of the Beastie Boys. I had no idea what they were talking about, lol

whites actually inherited slaves like they were property.

there is some debate about this phrase. As others have noted some say it was supposed to be from Arabic, Open Oh Simsim. But also this story did not appear in the oldest versions found in written Arabic. It appeared after a French translation was published, and there's discussion on whether it stemmed from a mispronunciation of Hebrew phrase for "password" pronounced seesma. Very interesting story of why it would even be sesame to begin with.

Sandyberry, everyone had slaves in those days in Africa and sadly, some still do

Medhat, I was just gonna say that

Trivia titan, sesame in English

arch, please read the story. Most definitely “sesame “!

this app has "add to favorites" button yet i cannot view my save items where ??? :/

Sarvin and sormeh
I can’t believe we are texting to you guys

Sarvin and sormeh
I saw the story of ali baba and it is boring

Miss Ma’am
It’s “open says me”

Helena Susan John
I read this story but there nothing to much in story. So i no the answer . Answer is 'open sesmae'

Almega Opha
Radakyl, you aren't wrong.

Gol, I was looking for the same:D

Hyder Ali mirani

Sandyberry, he bought the slave girl after he found the treasure nd got rich

Rena K H
Sandyberry, I suppose at that time, a poor girl would work for a handful of food and a blanket to sleep.

Player #46548578
I forgot to open Sesame

it's "khulzaa simsimm", Ali Baba.

Sandyberry, they can put anything they want in children's stories and they will believe it. Maybe we should have more real world, truthful stories.

its open sesame

Sandyberry, He had the slave, after he got the treasure from cave of the thieves.

Player #38408278
open semsem

Player #32549118, also if the now woodcutter had been in a war then he could have captured his own.