What is the national drink of Peru?
Correct answer: Pisco sour

Would be great if they told us what pisco is made from.

The processes of making pisco all come from the fermentation of specific grapes called Muscat or Italia grapes. The grapes are then distilled in copper basins. However, before this, the grapes have to go through a process called grape-stomping. Grapes stomping usually occurs in the afternoon to avoid the dry heat on the coast of Peru. A group of men spread around the winepress and stomp on the grapes for about 6 intervals. During this process the men will enjoy their time as they sing, joke around, and have pisco punch. The grape juice then falls into a saturation basin called puntaya. Here the juice will sit for 24 hours. Later, the juices are restored in fermentation tubs. The fermentation process usually lasts 7 days. This is so the natural yeasts in the grape skin take in sugars and process it into alcohol. Usually, the pisco producers will control the temperature of the fermentation so the heat does not increase. Otherwise, the natural aroma of the grapes will evaporate and not give the pisco a certain characteristic that is crucial in high quality pisco. When the fermentation process is over, the pisco is distilled in large copper basins.[30]

Saxon lord
never heard of it

yum!! sounds great!!

Player #27855909
it is delicious!! had it in Peru after a 4 days trip in the jungle.

How could there be Chilean Pisco? The origin of Pisco are the grapes from the city of Pisco in Peru.

Miss Sue
Velia, I thought the same exact thought.

Saxon lord, The Chilean version sounds yummy!

Okay, now what are rules on cleanig those FEET please? No vile, stinky feet!

Player #85315195
Saxon lord, Pisco is the main base. Ok, what is that, Rum?

Saxon lord, it was on an episode of Murdock Mysteries

Saxon lord, neither have I

Egg white?? Really!!