What character spoke the first line in the 1977 movie "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope"?
Correct answer: C-3PO

Player SQinfoNUTS
I was confused about the question. My fault entirely though. The first Star Wars that came out in 1977. At the time it was simply called Star Wars

SneakyMole92698., I'd rather sée the bar scene...LOL

I just finished an entertaining science fiction novel by John Scalzi where he calls the androids threeps after 3-CPO. He is now immortalized.

Player #4250921
R2 D2 saves the day several times. He was the hero of Empire Strikes Back.

3-CPO was the only character to be in each and every movie.

Guillermo Jr.
Neiko, proud to also remember that my Dad.. a huge Star Trek fan.. took the whole family out to the premier of the film in our town.. we all had to find separate seats as the theater was sold out!!

Toots, C-3PO.

mdholl, C-3PO.

Player SQinfoNUTS, in 1981 (43 years ago) the addition of A New Hope was added in anticipation of a substantial Prequel

KC, Kenny Baker who was in the r2d2 prop passed away before the last few movies were made. Anthony Daniels voiced c3po was in every movie

Toots, r 2d 2 is in all too

Mars V
They made it super easy by process of elimination!

citywomancountygirl, Cannot remember who edited them, but there are three anthologies: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina; Tales of the Bounty Hunters; Tales from Jabba's Palace. Good reads if you are interested...

Player SQinfoNUTS, in the scrolling into its titled. "A new hope."

Kimberly, living or not isn't specified.

MastrBlastrDUDE, Toshe Station 😉

Player #3335440, on that requires an answer

Missy K
Redundant much in the answer?

Player #3335440, trivia

This is Madness? THIS IS SPARTA.