How was the Democratic Republic of the Congo (D. R.) known as during 1908 - 1960?
Correct answer: Belgian Congo

Pimpao +
Sad history of a megalomania of a king and officer's and terrible suffering of Congolese

It pays to be old. I remember hearing the "Belgian Congo" as a kid.

Player #24358685
Gem-kat1, I immediately recalled the Gong Show! There was an act once featuring a woman in a lounge dress and boa. As lounge music accompaniment played, she strutted about the stage and repeatedly belched. Host Chuck Baris (spellung?) came on after she was gonged and announced that they were sending her to the "Belchin' Congo." Don't ask me how that came to me after all these years!

Good question but "How was it known as" really isn't good English :)

aqualung, "You Brits" are somewhat over-sensitively guilty about colonisation. It is one of the main processes of humanity's entire history of most organised states.
Much good came to many colonised peoples as a result of meeting superior technologies and different cultures.
The woke will cry.

The author failed to mention the atrocities, brutal crimes committed by the Belgian colonial authorities in the DR Congo...

See it wasn't just us Brits who colonised countries