Which country first used cylinders containing the lethal chemical chlorine, in World War I?
Correct answer: Germany
How can there be so much hate in the world that humans would do this to other humans knowing the pain it would cause? people are sick.
HIPPIE CHICKEN, war is sick. I will never understand as long as I breath how people under the same God and living on the same planet can have so much hate for each other.
the terrible things we do to each other. man is truly a wicked thing
catdavidson666, - I can understand your sentiment, but let us not forget that during the course of human history folks of all creeds, cultures, religions, and races have commited barbaric & horrible atrocities against their fellow man. It was never confined to a few nationalities or a couple genetic backgrounds.
Groovy Rosie, All of a certain people is never correct. my Dad served in WWII on the front lines and said the Germans they took as prisoners were all very nice, kind, funny and were just following orders like we were.
robertthemoose14, Indeed! I teach “All Quiet on the Western Front.” Everyone should read this.
Vanessa!!!, Because they haven't really looked at what the rest of the world has done! Look around no ones hands are clean! Who ever said "War Is Hell" didn't even come close!
Player SQinfoNUTS
notice the two human beings have their faces covered but the poor beast in the middle. Take a look at him. Right eye is just pouring out tears. Poor little beast.
Player #14993519.
WreckingThief99838, Yes,and it has given 🇩🇪 Germany a bad name But there are many wonderful people here, good honest hard working people,I have been here for years,wonderful country, good food,friendly,
Folks, we're talking about WWI here, not WWII. Our "Doughboys" were sent into Europe and had to beware of chemical weapons with the British. But let's not forget the biggest killer of that era was influenza,,,
Humans who create wars and weapons tend to be male just mentioning...
Pchblsom, opinions and religions and greed
Lucy ❤️❤️❤️
I answered it before.
Culinary Gangsta
This truly puts Operation Paperclip into perspective.
Spock 49
Pchblsom, because there is no god
ask me about k-pop
HIPPIE CHICKEN, I agree with you
Pchblsom, ... because not everyone believes in God all Mighty!
Israel is killing innocent people with different types of weapons. At the end of the day they are committing similar crimes, at the recent era, with different weapons on innocent people (not solders) and no one is stopping them
searesly this is nothing you think this is hard
and then the cowards wore those medieval looking gas masks.. they should've had to have tried to out run the gas release and hopefully failed
HIPPIE CHICKEN, Because people are horrible to one another and hate is a deep-seated master.
Magnificent, The capital of Germany is Berlin. I know that answer my family heritage is from there, I was born there because my Dad was stationed there in the Army.
The heart of man is desperately wicked. That's why we all need Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.
Angela , very true
Angela , don't say mean things to other people and also your game name sounds as if you are Angela the cat.🤭
ChampionNymph37634 - that does not justify anything. Even the Bible said love your enemy not hate your enemy so even if the person does bad things to you don't let it escalate just like how the World War I and World War II escalated.
I knew that Germany started World War II, but I never thought that Germany was this bad. The only positive or neutral question about Germany I got in this game was "What is the capital of Germany?"
Player #134463172
ScouseRocker , It said dogs, horses and mules wore special gas masks because they were used in battle. But of course all the many other animals suffered horrible deaths!!
I'm crying because I'm about your number and then I don't like it where is my number nine where is my number eight
Germans legit had some seriously messed up ideas
btw idk y i am afraid from this mask 😵
The British used molybdenum for their army tanks to protect them, and the Germans used molybdenum for their heavy artillery.
Fun fact: Did you know that the British and German armies used molybdenum in World War 1
boy in striped pyjamas
Amazing game❤️
i Love this game❤️
why are you putting all bad on my country