Anemia is caused by a deficiency of what?
Correct answer: Red blood cells

an iron deficiency and anemia are not the same thing. lack of iron can cause anemia because iron is needed to make red bloodcells, but anemia can also have other causes, like severe blood loss.

I have pernicious anaemia and it sucks

Anemia is categorized by a deficiency in iron...

I drank poison 70 years ago. Since then I've struggled with no energy. Last year, I saw an ENT doctor before getting hearing aids and he said my pituitary was screaming nonstop for my thyroid to do its job. Healthy levels are 1 or 2. My level was 87.9. He removed my thyroid (which had a mass in it which h was pressing on my vocal chords) and in the tests done afterwards cancer was found. I had no idea. That was last year. I am warmer now, but still little energy. I have thyroid replacement daily plus Vitamin D3. My friend who is a nurse told me not to expect a big change in my energy level because of my age. My only sorrow is l can no longer sing. can't

Chocomuncher, I have haemolytic anaemia with spherocytosis. That’s where the red blood cells are shaped like balls instead of plates. My spleen was misidentifying these as foreign bodies and killing them off thus causing my anaemia. I had to have my spleen taken out.

anaemia is caused by a lack of haemoglobin within red cells, not necessarily by a lack of red cells. in iron deficiency anaemia, red cell numbers can still remain within normal ranges, but contain less haemoglobin per cell.

happybetts1977, I'm sorry that you have anaemia.

Player #986464, me too it sucks. mine were do to extremely heavy periods do to perimenopause.

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited hemolytic anemia in which the hemoglobin protein is abnormal, causing the red blood cells to be rigid and clog the circulation because they are unable to flow through small blood vessels.😏😏😏

The body cannot produce enough healthy red blood cells. It is not a lack of blood. You have thin, useless blood with no minerals and iron. It affects EVERYTHING. Four blood transfusions, and six iron infusions this year ... I know!!

try, of not galvinsed iron, put it into an acid solution and apple or a lemon.

we know all this! so, old treatment for lack of iron absorbing. you take a picce

what's funny is that the people are confused between WBC and RBC XD

Anaemia. Haemoglobin

Player #143854467
Aplastic anaemia can be due to too many white blood cells

happydoghappycat, so sorry to here

I have sickle cell disease

RedFork2012, oh my love. I am so sorry. and before anyone complains lover is Devon for friend.

Player #138238799
I'm swift answerer

Chocomuncher, I thought it was iron too

haaayyysssttt... break down my mind... out of place 😅😅😂😂.... "keys" 😅😅😅😂😂.... better next I've been much got wrong's.... 😄😄🤣🤣🤣..... wait9x... just a moment.... 🙂...

I was anemic as a child, had to take iron pills until I was in my mid-teens. Never had it again until I was in my early 50s. No specific reason has ever been found by doctors except that I began donating blood regularly to the American Red Cross after I joined the US Army, having to date donated 169 units (21 gallons). I take over-the-counter iron pills and my hemoglobin reading is an average 14.5 which is considered very good.

I had anemia for 5 years and I was taking medicines but that didn't work at all

the same thing I have known as well as I am so happy 😊 to give you a reason to cause the most important disease😷

i did the wrong one actually i did the right one

Stacy Foxwell, My condolences. 2 of my brothers died of Sickle Cell Disease as well.

very nice question ❓❓

I had 4 blood cells

Chocomuncher, thats what the article says

I'm bleeding, help me

the red color in the pic introduced me the answer 😀

King of quizzes 👑
it's iron

RedFork2012, I’m sorry this happened to you 😢

Player #89643615
RedFork2012, So Sorry.

HarleyMidgeyMom95., same here... i came to a point where i needed blood transfusion...

I love sinence

Cazcraz99, so sorry dear ..

Blipbirdee, I had that too, so exhausting - until I had the menopause! So cheer up, it won't last forever.

Anemia is caused by haemoglobin deficiency, not insufficiency of RBCs.

I feel uncomfortable now because we’ll I hate looking at blood