What was known as White Gold?
Correct answer: Salt
The word salary comes from the Roman word salarium which means salt money. It specifically meant in Rome that amount of money was allotted to a Roman soldier to buy salt. Later on during salt roads of Rome, the soldiers started used it as money. Historian often disagree on when this happens.
As in your not worth your weight in salt!
flowercat0523, No WII, no computers, no tvs, no Alexis, no grocery stores, that sell everything imagiable, no micrwaves, no Uber.....
Peole had to work for every single item they had, even a carrot. Can you imagine baking bread, from scratch in a wood oven, no air circulation what so ever, in the middle of July????? Our ancestors did that and so much more. Amazing people. We get upset when we can't find the tv remote.
Most of this is true but people mostly used pig fat to store meat.(Speaking for Southern Europe) Back in the days meat was not a year round meal. It was reserved for for winter and spring parts only. Ribs and legs were salted and smoked just like we do to get bacon and prscutto today, but rest of it was stored in fat. Everything was cooked on either olive oil or pig fat. Salt was an expensive treat back in the days.
These days white gold refers to toilet paper.
rainyday45, People also got a lot more exercise, just from their daily lives, then the average person does now.
"more larger" :-\ am I the only one shuddering at that?
werdzen, they only use salt on icy roads in the Salt Belt, which are states in the northeast quarter of the US (from the Dakotas east)... that's why the cars there rust out so fast.
Here in the Rocky Mountain states where we get the really deep snow for many more months we just use sand... and our cars last a LOT longer. (In fact, after 10 years we can get a permanent registration in Montana... and not mess with the DMV ever again.)
lionellafierce, honestly thought it was cocaine, but it wasn't listed. I picked salt, but it is so cheap to buy. History has the answer. Thanks for all those historical references!
Also where the word salary comes from, as people were paid in wages of salt.
Be wise
I like salt, but it raises my blood pressure.
Smarty 🤓
that one really caught me😅
Taskmaster Bullseye
Not convenient if you have high blood pressure.
Player #138752561
SparkyChaz2018, this is still happening today among thinking ppl. the summer kitchen was built away from the house to do all the baking and resting of foods, plus the laundry, boiling the laundry water. we have it so easy with all the great time saving inventions today.
Had to use a life line. I don't want to think of a world without refrigeration and air conditioning. And people live 30+ years longer today because of this. And of course modern sanitation.
Serrano Ham
I don't use salt
salt. can you say hi-blood pressure and stroke?
Tong lkr
We used to dry meat to keep it away from maggots and spoiling .😆
Me, a true history lover🥰
joey, it's in most foods anyway, even just natural unprocessed foods.
SparkyChaz2018, crikey mate, it would be even hotter baking it in January and into February; have to have really efficient salt replacement drinks!
I learned something new!
I don't use salt
Classic Coke
SneakyMole92698, I love to add a few pieces of Malden salt flakes on caramel gelato...yumm!
Player #66817220
GWYN57, I assume any flour back then would have been whole-grain, so not necessarily white.
Player #66817220
Robert Seger, so, not exactly smooth saline?
Player #66817220
Nutshell, they/we use salt on icy roads in Utah.
Garnetchick1957, i collect old dishes and books, i use salt cellars, they are pretty little glass bowls,
SneakyMole92698, wow, so do I , thought I was the only one, lol
CcMYoPiK #21957451
sana, there probably was high blood but no one knew how to measure it
Player #33258123
The sentence should read " Throughout history salt was used on a far larger scale than in modern times."
White gold doesn't only refer to salt, historically speaking.
Oggy385, curing aka salting is done much more than larding.
rainyday45, you are right ,but in that time there were none BP ,sugar, cholesterol kind of diseases too
kelloggs 4791
kelloggs4792, the term " worth his salt" comes from when the Romans paid their soldiers, they paid them with salt, so if a soldier was worth his salt it meant he was a good soldier.
Ghost 16
no need to get all salty now
Player #16567202
Nutshell, wi just passed legislation that new teen drivers don't need to do road test to be licensed!
Shiv379, Double adjectives have become "normal" =/