What is the disease 'varicella' commonly known as?
Correct answer: Chickenpox

Chickenpox and shingles are the same virus

Montana Lady
cinderstella2, that's incorrect, ignorant and potentially dangerous advice.
To all: please do not take medical advice from well meaning individuals, without medical degrees

cinderstella2, adults can only get shingles if they have had chicken pox. Your advice, if followed, would have the exact opposite effect of what you are suggesting.
I can't believe you're actually telling parents to try and get their young children infected with chicken pox. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but what you're suggesting is actually harmful.
Don't take my word for it, please call your pediatrician ASAP and ask them.

cinderstella2, that's not true. you only get shingles if you had chicken pox. bad bad advice

Player #265230, people should vaccinate their children. my exsister-in-law witnessed her first death working in the hospital when a child died from chickenpox that completely covered the body and went inside the child's nose, mouth, ears and on and on.

Player #26610504
sadly, I have no immunity. I have had chicken pox three times. once as a child and twice as an adult- the doctor misdiagnosed me the second time because she believed people only got it once. I finally asked for second opinion and when it was confirmed I had to have an immunity test. moral of the story is just because it's rare for something to happen doesn't mean its impossible (never won the lottery though).

Only take medical advice from a stranger if you're clueless, it's life-threatening, and you're both alone on Mars or the South Pole without any means of communication...

Player #31300391
Je vous connais Milord, I've had shingles for 5 weeks and I'm still miserable.. I've never been so miserable in my life and I've survived a burst ovarian cancerous tumour. Get the shot. I wish I had.

got mine when I was 2 years old til now chickenpox scars is still very visible on my face and I'm 30 already

more cowbell, there's a vaccine that's 90 percent effective

Luckily only had them once but scarred from them

Player #92723922
Chickenpox has nothing to do with chickens. It was thought that the blisters resembled chickpeas.

Pinkie, don’t give up

Sounds like something you eat, maybe

Player Elf Council, how horrible, where was this. Bad doctor!

Mrs. BBBB is correct.

Player #50531971
Player BARTEMAEUS 10, actually it was done for all the so- called childhood diseases so we wouldn't get them as adults.

Player #37979284
Varicella also causes shingles in adults so both chickenpox and shingles are correct answers!

Player #32570032
Varicella also causes shingles

can't help but wonder.. where did the chicken come into the name??

I got them at 37.... Not good!! They were EVERYWHERE!!

Player #25910183
Both shingles and chickenpox are caused by varicella, so the answer is either one. Player Elf Council - shingles is the recurrence of the varicella infection you had when you had when you had chickenpox that remained in the dorsal root ganglia. Her doctor didn’t give it to her by not washing his/her hands. Shingles is often manifest during cancer due to asuppressed immune system which is much more likely than getting it from the doctor. It was her previous infection maybe decades before with the same varicella that originally caused chickenpox and now came back due to cancer as shingles.

never got the chicken pox. I had 6 siblings and they all had the chicken pox. I am 53 and still have never had them. But the doctor said that when my son had them that I could not be around him. Said that it was possible for me to get them and I could die.

I had chickenpox twice as a kid, and had shingles about 4 years ago. I never knew that shingles were so painful!

Player #13707151
dunjarmos, shingles is varicella zoster you are incorrect

Player #6021876
The question has two correct answers. Not really fair to gamers to include it as written.

Got mine last year when I'd just turned 53. Knocked the stuffing out of me for a couple of weeks. First sickness from work for over 20 years.

Sonicgirl, lol

Kiddienurse 84
dunjarmos, not true...asking which disease is varicella covers both answers. The answer is wrong/incomplete without both correct answers.

I've never had Chickenpox, but ive eaten Chicken in a box, mmm 11 different Herbs and spices.

everyone get your shingles vaccine

lily 21, Unusual gift!
Also I'd like to point out that diabetes is not a disease, it is a "condition" affecting the pancreas.

Montana Lady, cinderstella2 is getting mixed up with German measles (Rubella), which is dangerous for the foetus during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Mothers used to hold "German measles parties" for their daughters.
Not recommended or needed now.

DourFire82108, Chickenpox lesions can actually spread to the lungs, nasty, nasty disease.

Player #mumsafluff
Actually you can have twice. I had it as a small child and then again when I was 18. I was so poorly when I got it as a teen. STL got the odd scar and I'm pushing 50.

Efandra2003, If he catches them and runs a high fever, he may wind up being sterile.

Player Elf Council
Player #5536986, Yes. When my aunt was dying of cancer a doctor came to treat her without washing his hands after seeing a boy with chicken pox. She caught shingles and it was dreadful. The skin around her midriff just peeled off every day. Thankfully she couldn't feel anything because of the cancer but having to dress her raw flesh each day was a nightmare.