If you had renal failure, which organ wouldn't be working correctly?
Correct answer: Kidney

I am so sorry to hear of all the players & their family members that suffer from kidney failure. My heart goes out to you. God Bless all of you!

Player #2456191
Player #382024Ron, I was on dialysis for 3 months and my kidneys recovered. I'm 4 months off dialysis so far so good

Player #382024Ron
i know this because i suffer from renal failure and do dialysis.

FunkyMonkey, I don't know if you or the other grammar police know this but English isn't the language for many people and sometimes people learn English and didn't have the benefit of a US education. Is it too much to ask you take all your negative replies and just keep them to yourself. I know you probably don't even play anymore but the next person feeling the need, just think how much time you can save by not posting and rather spend that time adding to the conversation. Thanks!

my 4 year old cousin lost a kidney due to cancer...he is 7 now and cancer free

Using ibuprofen for two decades killed one of my kidneys and took out 2/3 of the other. Please be careful everyone!

Demelza Poldark
LoopyLynda74, thank you...I agree some players might be learning English or practicing... let's be encouraging & respectful of everyone...

I know this all too well- My grandmother died of kidney failure.

My son passed away from End Stage Renal Failure. It is horrible when your kidneys fail and you have to endure dialysis. It is no way to live. God Bless all that are living with this horrible disease.

Player #2039068
Rachel.A,It’s nice to see a positive comment from a person playing this game instead of all of the rude comments Thank You

I'm glad I don't have that

j boy
Player #382024Ron, bless your heart

I had a kidney transplant in 2001, touch wood still going strong 🤠

FaithfulReader, Thankyou for sharing this information.I didn't know that..So very interesting.thanks again.

I took Anatomy and Physiology in college.

I hope this never happens to me!

My husband was stage 4 due to over use of Advil for pain and abundant use of sugar. Did everything Dr told him and kidney function now remains at stage 3.
M y heart goes out to all who lost a loved one or those who have to endure dialysis

Player #138752561
Player #34676310, I learned that 1 tsp of organic apple cider vinegar in every glass of water for 2 or 3 weeks dissolved my stones. better than surgery for me.

I had Renal failure after being attacked and kicked multiple times and needed Dialysis for several weeks, I didn't realize my kidneys failed and nearly died, luckily i went to hospital when I did because if I left it another day I wouldn't be here now, being put on a Dialysis machine and having my blood taken for the the large vain in my neck, my heart goes out to the people who got to have the treatment until a donor is hopefully found, my heart goes out to everyone that needs Dialysis to stay alive.

missy189, I am a person on dialysis thank you Lord for that invention I am so lucky they found out in time

Baba Ganoosh
My mother died of kidney failure.

123 months, but I don't want to make

I know about Renal Failure because my father passed away due his kidneys not working anymore. He was in so much pain and finally said his final words to me as he spoke into the camera and said "Goodbye my son" !

Player #382024Ron I didn't know you could ever get off dialysis. That's amazing!! So happy for you!

missy189, Amen!!!

chigirl70, Ameen

FaithfulReader, May God (Allah bless you with good health (Ameen)

sweetcheeks88, ouch

missy189, Ameen

M Gee
Binks727, I'am so sorry

M Gee
Player #110378820, your right

M Gee
Rockin'Mom,I'm so sorry to hear that just pray and leave it to God's hands... Thank you

missy189, Thank you. My husband is in the beginning of Stage 4. He has Type 1 Diabetes.

Glory2J, I am one of those. I have dyscalulia. That deals with numbers and letters. I can't spell some things no matter how hard I try and I can't subtract easily. I still became a elementary teach with a master's degree.

kidneys play a major role in human body. renal works hard in kidney to remove the wastes and keep us fresh. what a outstanding mechanism we have in our body

Player #110378820
ther so much i learn from this battle game we have to give god thanks for being here

Player #109354529
Player #2456191, what treatment you took for kidneys revival

I’m really sad to hear how many players have had this touch their lives. My mom just passed away from this and I miss her everyday.

FaithfulReader, Thanks for the info!

FaithfulReader, do you play ML