Which one of the seven ancient wonders of the world is still standing today?
Correct answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza

Amazing info. But feel sad for all the slaves that were forced to build it. Think about what their life must have like. Wonder what their life expectancy was.

PointyDormouse60089, documentaries point out that men who were not slaves were paid for their labor to build many if not most of the architecture in Egypt. The thought that Egypt relied on slaves in inaccurate.

Fannie Toner
missy189, Actually, I read an article about findings regarding that matter. They found the people showed evidence of not being exactly slaves. And they were pretty well cared for, with evidence of good nutrition, and good medical care. It was obviously recognized that healthy and well cared for workers was to the benefit of the project, and kept people interested in continuing their employment there.

Player #4425087
The explanation to this answer is disrespectful to the builders who had advanced technology to build such a structure. This mainstream answer is so outdated. You think ropes and hands did such a precise finish, in under 20 years. Do the math on cutting, transporting, then placing 1 stone based on the above. Please everyone do your own research and make your own conclusions. Our ancient ancestors were very advanced people. Yes humans, not aliens.

I am going to add one more comment and say that I am really glad a lot of people have commented here about the inaccuracy of the whole "slave" thing. Thank you. To those of us scientists working in Egypt, this means recognition of our work and that the scientific knowledge is reaching you guys. That makes me happy. Keep on getting informed always!!!

So, I am an Egyptologist and I work directly with excavations and actual proof in Egypt. They were NOT slaves. They were all workers who got paid. We have papyrus documents with work recordings (who was working on each day, salary, etc.), artifacts, and entire workmen's villages that attest to that. They did work incredibly long hours and it was hard and dangerous work, many times many of them got hurt (also attested by physical proof), so in that sense you could stretch it and call it "slave" work. However, they were paid. So you could say they were cheap labor, but you could not say they were slaves.

Player Treetemple
It takes a crane to lift 2 tons these days, what did the egyption builders at the time use? To call them primitive is a bit of an understatement.

The fact is was built over 4000 years ago is astounding.

I wish the Colossus of Rhodes still existed

Player #185561, whilst slavery was common and almost certainly used upon pyramid construction, the tradesmen were actually well looked after, this is evident by recent excavations of burial plots proving through bone condition etc. Egyptians had the first ever workers strike, proving they had rights.

Loving this game. I am learning more and more with each question asked.

missy189, some investigations have led to believe that the workers who built the pyramids were not slaves, but Egyptian citizens. We need a time machine to know the truth.

Player #1143091
It's proven that the majority were not slave's but skilled workers . paid by their skill levels and lived in small towns and barterd for most of their needs.

i dont think it was made by slave. i think they disproved that

another thesis is paid workers were used to build the pyramids. albeit slaves would have been more costly to feed and house.

كذب كذب

Happy Hazel
I saw that in a book and I still remember

what about Taj Mahal??

Nanda, well I also know about Egyptian

Egypt the best but not really 😂

how I do know it and I'm Egyptian

So wrong information. Slaves didn't build these pyramids, actually it was the villagers, farmers etc. who built them.

I ❤️ learning about Egyptian history

Player #145217258
I am not a Hindu

Wow, cool!
I like to see pyramids in Egypt 🇪🇬 one day.

FreshBakedCookie, the rich don't take care. they are the chaos makers

despina, middle Earth??

Dolphin tale
nice, I got it ✅️ and I'm only 10

It’s weird to think the pyramids were surrounded by trees and life.

he great wall of giza

isn't the Taj Mahal considered one of the Seven Wonders also??

Aoidepotatoes, if they get paid to work then they are called workers not slaves

Lilli Qeen
I watched it in a mr beast video

I hate THIS MONUMENT ughhhhh

missy189, a lot of them were dying under those blocks and no one pulling them out 🥲

Bella <3
That was pretty easy but I still had to guess 😅

Hilya Binthu Hassan
Sarah , you really have been liked it

Hilya Binthu Hassan
It's okay and amazing 👏 🤩

Nanda, connect me

missy189, actually slaves had the option to work on the pyramids along side skilled workers and other volunteers in exchange they learnt a skilled trade, had good food, good medical treatment and also given their freedom. Noone was forced to work on them except the priests

Happy girl 543
I guessed again well my mom did not me

Snowie queen 👑☺️
Feels like BTS 😊

the pyramid is also built exactly in the middle of the earth, which is also visible from space. it's quite amazing, actually

I've read somewhere that who built the pyramids weren't actual slaves. they were paid by "beers" and not coins. they agreed to this deal, and no one was forced.

thank God I wasn't born back in ancient times, imagine what I could be forced to do