What lady is known for her work among the poor of India?

Correct answer: Mother Teresa

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What people think about it: 45 Comments
She kept people immiserated without pain relief so that they could be "closer to god". Look up "Hells Angel" by Christopher Hitchens.
I love how the photo is of one the most opulent structures in India, to refer to a woman who dedicated her life work for the poor.
the comments on here are as entertaining as the questions, if not more so 😝
Player Deeeee
Player Deeeee
Whenever someone does grand selfless acts there will always be someone to tear them down. Jesus said, and I paraphrase, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" Not one of us is without sin, but the measure to which we judge others is the measure to which we will be judged. That is scriptural as well.
-:- Nukedude -:-, She made money for the church.... money that was supposed to go to helping the people she was supposed to be helping. But all that money went into the coffers of the Catholic Church while she taught dying people how beautiful it was to suffer.
Evil Barbie
Evil Barbie
she kept them in pain to bring them closer to God, but when it came to her pain she resorted to medicine. she was s hypocrite not a saint.
Player #3194805
Player #3194805
she served the poor with great love sincerity, compassion, and humility....did what many could not, or would not do. Served and loved the poorest of the poor....Played drown her life...for the Love of God and those poor forgotten souls. Such a role model..I thank God for her.
Adinkra Akoben
Adinkra Akoben
Born in Macedonia to parents of Albanian-descent, her real name is Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, died in 4 September 1997 and was canonized as Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 2015 from Pope Francis. Here in Albania the 5th September is the national day of Saint Teresa Sanctification.
Player #16455461
Player #16455461
Wow! Some very bizarre comments here. I met Mother T in India. Anyone who thinks she had any desire but to the will of God is very mistaken. I'm sorry for you haters. Even if you doubt the existence of God, she still helped those in need and made the world a better place.
Solo, good observation. Having been there, the poor are so poor...she did what she could do, which is more than the rest of us... myself included.
flowercat0523, she is and in my Jewish country will be a "saint" if there is one to be.
CapatinaMonaLissa, there are young people even now who were brought up by her charity homes and they seem to be very well brought up people, caring and grateful. She did some good.
CapatinaMonaLissa, Nuns take vows of chastity, hospitality and poverty. The Catholic church is the wealthiest church in the world and has riches beyond your wildest dreams. They don't need money from the nuns.
She once said her faith in God "was shaken." I wish she could have elaborated further in this comment; as it was so vague.
The picture was inappropriate. I am from Kolkata, the city where she was reborn and attained immortality. She did what a great human being could do and 99% of us cannot do. It was never about religious beliefs, it was about religion of mankind. How many of us will step into a gutter to rescue a dying person. The little Mother showed us that we all have a purpose in life and what we choose give it the real meaning.
adamjimenezuk, right…
Marianna, no she wasnt
well atleast I tried imma read this
Use Gov of tab r
Player #124069655
Player #124069655
She was born for helping the poor
i love india for the last one in shouid tomorrow in mother
Player #115132967, bruh it is night time where I am 😂
At the age of 21 she went to work in one of the most poor sides of the world. Touched by the poverty she witnessed there she founded a new order with the primary mission of "helping those who noone else would". Less than a hundred years later someone who never helped anyone rewrites the history of her life and presents her as a monster. That is the gratitude we pay to those who do good in this world... 🤦🏾‍♂️
the black mamba
the black mamba
please 🥺 please tell me please give me correct correct answer
her work was to make poor, sick and leper suffer in pain, so that they can go closer to Jesus. in her own words, suffering brings us closer to God (Jesus), so she "took care" of sick and leper by taking them in her missionary and not providing any medical care, just prayer and blessings. since she took lepers and sick from streets to her center she got Nobel prize.
lavanya shinde ☺️
lavanya shinde ☺️
she was very kind person 💗
Player #115132967
Player #115132967
Good morning would you like to you play with me
it's good😁
It's the famous Taj
not me thinking it was Marie "Curry"
Amaja Lluhani♡
Amaja Lluhani♡
mother teresa is from albania and im also from albanina
Christopher Hitchens is hardly a reliable source when it comes to Mother Teresa. Hitchens was a Marxist (Communist) and strident atheist. He hated religion, and was far from objective.
#_its_me_@ saliha ❤️
#_its_me_@ saliha ❤️
mother Teresa is very good nature lady she is god angle I am very inspired for mother Teresa we love them right 👍
Comparing comments in this app to public forums, the difference is ridiculous. In a good way. 😂
i remember I use to go to the soup kitchen on 138 the St in the Bronx to eat where she started the soup kitchen.good food and lovely people who cooked n served all people that were hungry.
Jimmy Njobvu
Jimmy Njobvu
she helped countless people...now that is real power.
Finally I got it 👍🏻
Player #84806871
Player #84806871
I did not know that one that was hard
Player #3194805, I've always heard such good things of her. Now I'm hearing she let suffering people suffer and she was making money fit the Catholic church. Wow
Evil Barbie, Where does this information come from?
adamjimenezuk, this is very true actually it is true and her story is beautiful
Player #115533361
Player #115533361
ثبت لکبګلړزورګل
Player #16455461, She kept them in misery and only cared about making sure they converted before they died. The fact that she believed she was doing it for god is irrelevant.
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot, I fully support that! I see people just reading whatever online or told by others and spreading it as if it were the truth. And even if it where, who from these people was actually there to see what happened with their own eyes and live in those times? I do not believe in religion nor support it but I do believe in doing good and that people do the best they can at a given time. We should know all the story before throwing dirt around.
Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo
Mother Teresa is a Nun and she won a Nobel Prize in 1979