What is a mulligan?
Correct answer: A second chance

I volunteered at an animal shelter and there was a dog named Mulligan. He was a beautiful golden retriever but he had broken his foot years before and it healed crooked. No one adopted him for a long time, bit finally he found his forever home! 💜💜💜

Let me first make ir clear that I am a Scot, and my ancesters invented golf. Now to clarify: Mulligan was a 17th century innkeeper in rural County Cork, and well-to-do thanks to his famous stew. When he took villagers golfing he paid for everything, so if he flubbed a shot they would say "Just hit another, Mr. Mulligan." So when he wasn't with them they would tell one another to "take a Mulligan." of course you know what we call a Mulligan in Scotland: 3 from the tee."

sounds like an Irish drink lol

Nolan Void
I'll take a Mulligan on this one

whatchu talkin bout
there is also an Irish drink called a Mulligan. one shot of bailey's one shot Jameson and one shot cream d' minth

I went to prison but got a mulligan, and have a new lease on life. God is great!

Player Tom J
NotoriousEmpire80888, I live in Ireland and there is a whiskey called a Mulligan, very nice it is too.😀

I raise a toast to Mr. Mulligan. my score card is better because of him.

AnitaGeddaLife, It is indeed! :) 'CertainOgre1' just wanted to clarify and confirm that the game of golf itself is from Scotland, but the term 'mulligan' is most probably based on the story of Mr Mulligan, the Irish innkeeper in Cork.
Cheers, stay safe and have a great day! :)

Player #7432266
this reminds me of a friend Paul who always took more than his fair share of mulligans and was addicted to golf. One gorgeous Sunday morning he was on the first tee about to hit with his driver. Suddenly a black limo pulls right up to the tee box honking its horn. A ravishing bride gets out the car runs up and shouts " Paul what are you doing ? you supposed to be at the church at 9 a.m. this morning for the ceremony." Paul says " honey I told you: only if it rains."

Cap’n Patch
CertainOgre1, when I started playing golf when I was a teenager, my da gave me lots of mulligans because I made a lot of bad shots.

Jenn Natalia
Burdman25, anyone get a hole-in-one while you were there?

Jenn Natalia
BornVillain83, he obviously got his second chance

Player #92723922
Quizland - there were 2 correct answers to this question. Do better research.

Hug me when you get a chance

Diana Shifley
CertainOgre1, I was confused when I read the question because I have heard of Mulligan stew.

As for golf unless you're a pro who cares about the score? I was never very good but enjoyed the fresh air and exercise.

Player #52565397
CertainOgre1, 👍🏼 not sure where I read this before. However, this was another version I know or apart from the Canadian bloke’s story.

Winged Foot is a beautiful private golf course in Mamaroneck, Westchester County, NY. I saw the PGA championship played there in 1997.

A guy named Terry David Mulligan was a vj in the early days of MuchMusic, but he was interviewing musicians years before... including Jimi Hendrix whose grandmother lived in Vancouver, BC.

Player #25874027
whatchu talkin bout,
Creme de menthe

Player #22877131
I maintain it was the name of the drink he had too many of. Heh!

DourGeneral48009, got it wrong

whatchu talkin bout, I am Irish and have never heard of this drink. Baileys and creme de mente would curdle so it sounds like a dreadful mixture.

I play magic: the gathering and a duff hand is a mulligan

Player #14993519.
CertainOgre1, ,,I want some Mulligan stew

* Seshati *
NotoriousEmpire80888, that’s what I thought lol!

I'll take a mulligan on the rocks please.


Knew this because I had caddied in my early teens.

CertainOgre1, isn't county cork in Ireland?

BornVillain83, everyone deserves a second chance!

Mr. Trivia Fun
Burdman25, Yes God is great and God is great all the time!

Mr. Trivia Fun
Nolan Void, Me too!

Mr. Trivia Fun
Player #185561, Me too!

NotoriousEmpire80888, I also thought so😆

she za❤️❤️😊☺️

Player #185561, my life is a series of mulligans. thank goodness