Which part of the human body does Meniere's Syndrome affect?

Correct answer: Ear

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What people think about it: 37 Comments
My husband has the vertigo part and I have the tinnitus. We're lots of fun to be around! :D
Diagnosed with MD in 2008. It has destroyed the hearing in that ear but I no longer get vertigo. Well worth the trade-off! Horrible incurable disease.
I have been living with meniere's for over 30 years. hydrochlorothiazide & low salt diet really does help! I can feel when vertigo attack is coming on. If I'm driving, etc. I think attack is coming on, I pull over immediately, just in case. Horrible disease & currently incurable only treatable. hopefully one day modern medicine will discover the cause and the cure.
Player #518550
Player #518550
i like this game
I really feel for people suffering with this. I can't imagine what it must be like. It must also be frustrating not having a cure or medication available to get rid. There seems to be a lot of people suffering, and I hope there is someone or a group working on it.
I have this disease and after a year of constant ringing I have fully lost hearing in my left year. Thirteen years on I have vertigo spells about once a week but sometimes I have a bad one where my eyes will spin also.
nerdmom660, I was diagnosed in 2005. Diazide is the only thing that helps me. It’s the worst disease ever. You don’t know unless you have it.
i have had episodes of tinnitus before the doctor prescribed steroids to help.i had ringing in my ears and evening sounded as if I was underwater .it was frustrating and made my incredibly anxious I hope it never happens again
nimblemoon, I have Menieres and it's horrible. One minute I'm as fine as can be, next without any warning bam....dizzy, vomiting and unable to walk unassisted. And there is no cure!!
Player #7435008
Player #7435008
My symptoms seem to be brought on by an ear infection. It used to scare me to death when the attacks happened when I was driving. The vomiting was horrible and would last for hours. I was hospitalized on several occasions. No cure but I haven't had an attack in 2 years so I am grateful for that.
nimblemoon, i have Tinitus. It helps to put pressure behind my ear on the middle of the lobe
MoodyChef92025, I have tinnitus. It sounds like I have cicadas in my ears. Sometimes if I'm really tired it's so loud I ask my husband if he can hear them. 😂
BigCat187, what kind of surgery? Thought this is incurable.
Player #25410420, Where did you get that treatment for your balance?. because I have the same problem. thanks you.
nimblemoon, ha,ha at least you can laugh about it, good on you
lipo flavonoid helps the tinnitus. caffeine increases those problems.
i know the feeling it's horrible I have vertigo & tinnitus in my left ear my Dr said it's caused by an ear trauma which I did have I had a hole in my eardrum & I also had a double ear infections
SniperBrainiac30039, come again!?
Magpie1113, really sympathise. I had labyrinthitis a few years ago and it's affected my balance, still get dizzy spells.
nerdmom660, same here. diagnosed with Delayed endolymphatic hydroxy in right ear that I was already deaf in. basically menieres without the gradual hearing loss. it's an extremely horrible condition to suffer from. People who have never suffered a bout of true vertigo haven't a clue how bad it makes you feel. glad your vertigo has gone into remission.
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
BigCat187, wonder what they did. I would do anything to relieve the ringing, roaring, clicking and now in the past 3 months the terrible dizziness. only recently had a name put to it, but no xure or adequate treatment after about 10 yrs and moderate to serious hearing loss in both ears. I recently was fitted for hearing aids and now at least I can hear some around the ringing.
Player #32567393
Player #32567393
IrishGirl6, Cozzy 25, I have it but I’m afraid that I don’t agree with you about it being the worst disease. I’ve suffered from depression for 41 years & I’d trade my hearing to rid myself of depression which is the worst disease ever. Malpractice.
IrishGirl6, i had no idea what this was like.i thank every comment by suffering people.i work at a medium sized airport(anchorage) i see lots of people coming and going.i have a little more understanding on peoples behavior.thx to quizzland.
Player #10412810
Player #10412810
I was diagnosed in 1983. Tinnitus in left ear is constant, this ear is almost completely deaf. Dizziness comes & goes. It’s aggravating that there’s no cure.
I knew this as it was mentioned in an episode of Call the Midwife 🙂
Player #18320935
Player #18320935
I have had Menieres since I was in my 30s.Doctors thought I had a brain tumour at first.Episodes of sickness and dizziness used to last hours.Settled down over the years.
Huey Lewis (yes, the 80's singer) has Meniers disease.
Player #29226304
Player #29226304
I have it really bad. both ears are involved and are making all kinds of noise. dizzy spells lasts about any where from three days to three months, depending on if there are calcium deposits that need to resolve.
Player #25410420
Player #25410420
nimblemoon, I had but when the doctor killed the balance nerve in that ear the vertigo went away instantly. they used a strong antibiotic injection in the ear.
Player #25762807
Player #25762807
nerdmom660, me too ..nausea up and down
nerdmom660, me too the same , right ear, the baddest thing in my life 🤦‍♀️
First American in Space, Alan B. Shepard, had this causing him to be grounded. He secretly had surgery done to relieve the symptoms so he could return to flight status, thus commanding Apollo 14 and being the fifth man on the moon.
Player #6616037
Player #6616037
nerdmom660, I have the same thing.
Mountain Crone
Mountain Crone
Acupuncture helps my vertigo but nothing has stopped the ringing.
Tamara_1985, exactly the same as me it’s awful
Tamara_1985, I've had those symptoms too. it's awful not knowing when the next episode will occur.
nimblemoon, has anyone experienced drop attacks as well?