The average human body contains what percentage of water?
Correct answer: 60
it should be 75%
I thought it was a lot more than 60%.
I fast don’t drink water for about 16 hours I’m fine fasting is proven to be healthy so water can wiit lol
lord amir
its actually 70%
09553587350, it depends on the body's hydation level
Thirst is the mild symptom while muscle cramps was severe dehydration, so don't forget Gatorade if you will have prolong sun exposure.
I had a seizure cause i drank top much water. They called a ambulance for me. They said i was dead and brought me back to life. They rushed me to the nearest hospital E.R. i died again on the table. i am not sure how they figured it out, but, i had no sodium in my system and that's what killed me twice. I was in a coma for 4 days. When I woke up, I ran and my I.V. was still in, it came out. Someone tackled me and they took me back to the I.C.UNIT and something they gave me the inability to even walk. That whole thing was scary!! Remember that!! I drank 2 gallons approximately and it depleted all the sodium in my system. Thanks for reading my story and I hope you learned something!!