How does a developing ''chick'' breathe inside its egg shell?
Correct answer: The natural oxygen is stored in an air cell

Player #2342698
well, that sure is interesting!!

Oxygen is not stored but infused through pores just like the monoxide excretion process but reversed. Close!

Never knew this. Nature is so fantastically complicated

Player #5287873
Oxygen is not stored. It passed through pores in the shell. If you smother an egg in butter it will not develop into a chick, nor will it spoil.

so from what I've read, this is wrong. there are tiny pores that let oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.

the air sac is used by the chick as the first stage of hatching, internal pupping, it takes its first breath using it's lungs. Gas transfers through the pores on the egg surface during the chicks development.

I always thought chickens were dumb til I got some. I would sit quietly and watch the mother hen teach her chicks survival skills like foraging and how to get into the coop via the ramp. They are quite sweet with their offspring. It was magical.

Clown Boss
air sack and air exchange via shell are both on the menu

I've also seen hens "steal" an egg from their coopmates by tucking one under her wing and making off with it, amazing feat considering they don't have hands, lol. Chickens will also bond with humans and become very affectionate!

The shell allows gas exchange

Smart Kitten
Good to know it!😃

Jewel, you are so right, they are smart and fun to watch them,

Player #35387966
This is what I love about this game, I learn something new every time I play it.

Haha, never would have thought of that.

Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay
yes it was informative one...

Player #5287873, It will, however, be delicious...

Player #8750152
Interesting! Again, I don't believe this is just accident, it's too perfect!

Player #5287873, or you can use tallow or coconut oil.

Player #3138816
Clown Boss, so what’s the right answer ?

Annabelle, did not know there was one

Player #5645628
It's spelt sac, or at least where I come from it is..

Probably why when you boil an egg it has a flat edge.

Player #25675846
MunificientNpc55490, so once upon a time a reptile laid an egg and out came an animal with wings?

Player #14007730
MunificientNpc55490, bravo

Player #12351322
I will be more thoughtful and appreciative when eating eggs. Thanks for the info.

Player #12198339
Player #5287873, I can see someone is a gourmet

Player #9914179
MunificientNpc55490, why did the chicken cross the road? to get some oxygen of course!

the Dream Team
I love eggs. with Tabasco.

Player #9725229
should have known that one too

Player #smartnesss#s
how should I know

interesting I like this one😆

Player #5287873, Do you mean a fertilised egg? Who would even do that?!

Heysus.., Have you used the Report Question function in the menu to let them know?

JezzerLX, Which came first the chicken or the egg? Obviously the egg. If all birds descendis from reptiles, they laid eggs