In what city was the Nightingale Home and Training School for Nurses set up in 1860?
Correct answer: London

I graduated nursing school on 1974 and we carried the Nightingale Lamp during graduation and pinning ceremony. We also wore very neat and clean white dresses, hose and shoes with a nursing cap. Things have changed so much in my 40 year career.

surffishlove, you should care. Nursing progession ie; healthcare is extremely important in today’s world🧐

What an unselfish soul! So dedicated to healing..I bet she didn't care if you had insurance.

I graduated as an RN in 2008- 2 months after turning 40 years old 😊 unfortunately I had to take a medical retirement in 2016 and I miss taking care of my patients every day!! Nursing has evolved since Florence but she started nursing care and we would not be where we are without her!! 😊💕

thanks to all of you nurses who are old enough to have worn white dresses instead of pajamas... when a patient was a person and not a number in a computer and had enough respect for a surgeon to stand up for him when he needed to get info

Very proud to be an LPN. 30 plus years and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Our profession is often overlooked as significant. Thank you to all my nurse colleagues out there who make a difference in a person's life, no matter how small that difference may be!!

Pimpao +
know i understand the lamp in most nursing badges

Pittsburgh/Florida G
Graduated with my BSN, RN in 1977 from Carlow University in Pittsburgh. I saw St Thomas Hospital in London when I vacation there in 1996. Very old and kind of dilapidated building but I got so excited when I saw it!

she was amazing

get over it she helped many in need an inspiration beyond belief

DrGirl777, You are so blessed to have achieved such an honor!

Thanks you Florence Nightingale. I have been admitted to St Thomas's Hospital a few times.

DrGirl777, I graduated in 1987 and did the same!

DrGirl777, I graduated in 1982 without the lamp but had the same dress code. Nurses now have no idea what truly being a nurse means.

I used to work as a nurse for Nightingale Nursing...

mamanetnet, I graduated and became an RN in my 39th year. I realized my childhood dream of becoming a nurse and loved every minute of my career.

Christine ~ RN, Very well said, and I like the part about not hauling infection home. Keep that up...

Player #117397518
She also invented the pie chart

CTgamer2016, Bless your heart !CT, the LPN s of Nursing careers are some of the Best and many Hospitals and Nursing Homes would close down without them, ,

DrGirl777, I graduated in 1977 nursing school, , retired now, miss the many wonderful people that I met and worked with for 25 years, ,I was blessed with helping many people,

Paula J
Surprised at the number of nurses that are on this game! It’s a great way to unwind after a shift dealing with patients and their families, oh and administration!

Paula J
DrGirl777, When I graduated with my masters in Nursing, my boyfriend at the time, asked me if I was going to get one of those “nursey outfits”

Chris RN
Pittsburgh/Florida G, Hello! I went to St. Francis School of nursing and then to Pitt. Graduated in 1974. I worked in Tampa for several years. Worked in 3 US states and Mexico and Central America. A 45 year career as an RN only ended because the chaise of this old body gave out. I’ll be 70 next week. Our daughter went to Carlow. I’ve been seeing your comments occasionally for some time and believe that we may have a lot in common. Best wishes to you!

I've been some type of admin support for nurses all my career. I put nurses on a pedestal for all they endure. Thanks to all nurses!

Who else put Dublin 🤣

Christine ~ RN
Player #14966232, Actually they are wearing ‘scrubs’. The public took the use of scrubs from medical professionals and began wearing them as pajamas, not visa versa. Nurses caps are unsanitary and in the way when working with medical equipment. Why do we need to wear caps? What is the point, actually? Men in nursing don’t wear headgear. Nurses all have IDs in place. Uniforms are very expensive. I know, I’ve had to buy them. When we were forced to wear hose, that was another expense. Most hospitals provide scrubs that can be placed in hospital laundry bins so that the nurse isn’t hauling infection home. That also means less laundry so we have more time to work overtime and double shifts.

Christine ~ RN
Pittsburgh/Florida G, Greetings, I’m also a Pittsburgh/Florida RN. Allegheny General, Pittsburgh and Memorial Hospital of Tampa. Worked in 3 states and 2 other countries. Loved my career. Worked for 45 years. Had to retire due to my chasis falling apart. Nursing is a tough profession. A lot is expected. I certainly understand the frustration of nurses nowadays. The public has become incredibly ill mannered.
Our daughter graduated from Carlow University.

EvilEve9, It was before insurance was wide spread.

DrGirl777, Our nursing grads wear white dresses and nursing cap at graduation. We make the connection out of respect to those that came before them.

DrGirl777, I graduated nursing school 1977,,we also had strict dress rules, all white including shoes and hose. Cap,, nurses don’t look like nurses today,

DrGirl777, When I graduated in 2013 we also wore white dresses, caps, and hose and we received a lamp pin. It was so special.

Florence Nightingale what an admirable person. also Queen Victoria

Player #34896945
I trained there. Have a Nightingale badge and a limited edition Nightingale mug.

CTgamer2016, Yes, Thank All the nurses, for their Care and Kindness


Player #27316861
DrGirl777, I also graduated with all white nurses uniforms and carried the nightingale lamp which I received 22 years ago in New Mexico.

Player #38577067
DrGirl777, THANK YOU 💖

Mr snazzy
Dollars or pounds ?? Still a lot of money in 1860

Guillermo Jr.
proud RN since 1994!

SaintlyAssertion7, ip