Who was the last reigning Byzantine Emperor?
Correct answer: Constantine XI Palaiologos

Montana Lady
If you can remember . . . the Byzantine Empire was started by a Constantine (the 1st to bring Christianity to the Romans) and ended with a (different) Constantine, it's the main question asked about the period in trivia games

Some players of this trivia game were alive back then

Jaminus Optimus
Montana Lady, Montana Lady, I disagree. Constantine did not "start" the Byzantine Empire. As is implied by the write up, the Byzatine Empire was just the continuation of the eastern Roman Empire. If you'd have asked any citizen of the Byzatine Empire what they were, they would have told you they were a Roman. What is interesting is that Rome was founded by Romulas and the final western Emperor was also a Romulas some 1200 odd years later.

He was real hero and brave warrior, he died with sword in hand fighting back against Ottoman Invaders. He is buried in one Orthodox church in nowdays Istanbul.

Caveat Lector
Jaminus Optimus, Yes, they might answer "a Roman" but they distinguished themselves from the people of the West Roman empire.
They spoke a different language (Greek), they believed in a different religious dogma, they had different customs, traditions, etc

Centenarian, yes we were. Those were the days!!

Player #25874027
Era Vulgaris,
Quite possibly .
I just thought a ruler who was the 11th of that name was likely to be the latest in along line