Which of these is vitamin B2?
Correct answer: Riboflavin

My pharmacist got me started on taking B vitamins for energy, but I had no idea how important they really are for all the other reasons. Great explanation!

Do beware of energy drinks as they often contain large amounts of B12 as well as others in amounts sometimes as high as 1000% of the DVA. Too much, too often rarely is a good thing! Well except money! 😂

I have a vitimin B12 deficiency, you really notice the difference within hours of getting the injections, your energy levels go through the roof!

Player #1586264
Arohanui, having brain fog low energy shaky and very discombobulated had some blood work done my MCH came back low no one told me to take vitamin B 12 but I realize from doing my research that I was deficient in it I started taking it and oh my God I feel one hundred and fifty percent better it is so important

Player #196633
Herne The Gray Savior, I have Fibromyalgia and suffer from this. I will try it to see if it makes a difference. Thank you for the information.

Herne The Gray Savior
missy189, usually that would be B12 people with M,E or fibromyalgia usually lack B12 which causes extreme fatigue 👍

Player #10639782
vitamin B is important also for brain function especially for stress. its important to take a B vitamin complex every day. helps with anxiety and stress

LoopyLynda74, generally with vitamins anything extra just won't be absorbed, but won't do you any harm. Should stay away from energy drinks anyway for the sugar and acid rotting your teeth!

Player #26129643
The only solace to answering wrongly is the knowledge I obtain afterwards.

Player #2724832
I take a Super B complex vitamin every day. it is the only vitamin I take. My doctors said for me it's a good one to take.

Sapphire, I do too.. the sublingual at the 10k micrograms helps as long as you actually let it dissolve under the tongue fully. as well you can take 2 or 3 as any extra clears the body. it's water soluble. I've been using sublingual for awhile haven't needed a shot for about 18 months. worth a try.

LoopyLynda74, B12 will clear the body if there's too much

you can buy liquid B 12 at any drug store in the US. it works great to get going in the morning.

jack3552, not if you brush your teeth

Player #196633, it didn't help mine at all

Player #1586264, friend of mine told me to take liquid B12 under my tongue it did absolutely nothing for me I was disappointed 😔

LoopyLynda74, also a three letter word

I have to inject myself weekly with B12. It's cyanacobalamin. Riboflavin is the naturally occurring B12; cobalamin is manufactured, but BOTH are B12.

Player #196633, I too have Fibromyalgia. A good B-Complex vitamin does help.

My knowledge in nursing course, helps me ✌️ and my damaged memory

Sugi pula

Player #29987706
Happy birthday my dear friend

Player #29987706
Happy birthday to your family

Player #29987706
Job promotion for the next year or so much more than I would have to do them all

Player #29987706
Ok OK with me 행복한

Whiskers 🐈
OK, I have a question & I will say that I'm not good re:vitamins. I have Polymyositis, that basically attacks my muscles, I'm also on Oxygen 24/7, I find myself very tired most days, I've no energy. Would you recommend that I get Vitamins ? THX

Player #27735155
Player #2724832, yeah , super vitamin B-complex every day religiously...

Cha Cha
Player #196633, I've taken a good strength multi vit and vit C for 30 years now... if I forget to take it for a day or 2 my Fibromyalgia symptoms are so much worse

Cha Cha
jack3552, some vitamins don't stay in your system but some do so you can definitely overdose on vitamins. Getting the balance right is key

Duncan B E Wilson
LoopyLynda74, B6 is the one to watch, not B12. B6 is toxic in relatively small amounts for a water soluble vitamin, and damages the fibres of the peripheral nervous system and spinal cord causing agonising neuropathy, weakness, and numbness. all three of these symptoms are sometimes permanent if B6 intake isn't stopped in time. B12 in excess can cause acne though so sufferers should stay away from supplements.

Fun guy
eat real bread, drink some beer, get most B vit.

PleatherChimera14961, you can't.

Maria ♡
PleatherChimera14961, I don't know, it's Happenec a few times to me, I just have to Suck it up , & Accept It, & try & becareful, the other thing is press help Double chance, but will cost you as time goes on, Good Luck, Kindest Regards M

You tricked me as B-12 vs B-2

PleatherChimera14961, my phone does the same thing. My smart phone is trying to guess what I want, but it's not really that smart. Oh well. Gotta love a game where we learn anyway!

Egg yolks have lots of B vitamins. Perfect protein so eat up your eggs!

WaldoLydeker, I think they went through the alphabet
ABCDE, K. Hmmm
they skipped F. hahaha I wonder why. 😂