What is a Jägerbomb?
Correct answer: Cocktail

Gildedopossom36, I remember it as a boiler-maker. at lease I think I remember that...

Player AutumnWind33
I had this drink with my son when he returned from a deployment in Iraq. I'd never had them before my son showed me how to make them. They were actually pretty good. We had a lot to celebrate!

IconicFire89287, that's whiskey and beer. There's also one called Car Bomb, which is Irish whiskey, Irish cream (Bailey's) dropped into Guinness beer, most commonly the Guinness Draught beer. Another similar drink, is the Flaming Dr. Pepper, which is usually 12-13oz beer of choice, 3/4oz amaretto in a standard 1oz shot glass and 1/4oz 151 proof rum floater atop the amaretto then carefully lit afire and dropped into the beer. All of which are meant to be imbibed quickly, all at once without stopping the guzzle until the glass is emptied. (I'm a Jill of many trades, bartending being one of them.)😉

Player #9442102
Player. Ty, Just don't get drunk on this stuff. It's ok going down but not coming up!

Player. Ty
Years Ago Jagermiester was actually use as a Herbal medicine in Germany.
It's very rare to see a True German drinking Jaeger to get a Buzz. It's the Equivalent of drinking Nyquil.😎

I’m so glad that I never drank ! For real !

If Jager bombs damage short term memory, imagine what damage Jager bombs can do.

B Dog
As a trained bartender, I winced at the idea of calling any bomb-shot a “cocktail”. Yes I’m an elitist. But I stand by my opinion.

Player. Ty, I think it was originally cough medicine. It tastes like Vicks Formula 44 - nasty!

Callie Rose
Back in my drinking days, a group of us started our evenings with Jaeger straight shots, then going on to beer, wine or other libations. Jaeger is very like cough syrup, I do not remember any of us coughing for the rest of the evening, throwing up repeatedly after the fifth or sixth round, but not coughing.

Had Jaeger dropped in beer once...never again!!!

the energy drink rushs the alcohol to the blood stream

constantgamer0421, you have to drink them quickly because it sounds like most of them would taste horrid. I love the ingredients of the car bomb separately, but together.....

IconicFire89287, you're correct.

Player #27327294
IconicFire89287, a boilermaker is a combination of whisky and beer. The whisky is usually Bourbon or Rye

it's too much like venos cough medicine. only tried it once and slept for 6 hours

* Seshati *
The question blurb should also mention the deaths that have occurred from the alcohol caffeine drink popularity it can be as little as 3-4 cans of a caffeine energy drink & alcohol mix. Sadly seen a program where a young girl aged 16 or so (don’t remember deets of age) too young die. Before peeps say too young to drink stop & remember what it was like to be young & silly following the crowd oh & it was Australia not the us.

Silly Sausage, why is that?

Silly Sausage
It is not classified as a cocktail.

Aotearoa MWYN
we had Depth Chargers 🍻 n' Drambiue ??? Oi

i think the answer should be a giant hangover .loved jager when i was a young partier

constantgamer0421, all sounds wonderful

IconicFire89287, whiskey shot in a glass of beer

tystyx, quite a bit similar to green Nyquil, to me though, it's much more tolerable than the Nyquil is.

303RPB, yep, whiskey and beer.

Player #1935809
my 23rd birthday was alternating jagerbombs and shots of Patron

Player #2047250
IconicFire89287, A boiler maker is a shot of whiskey followed by a beer. (: