On what was the Mona Lisa painted?
Correct answer: A wooden panel
I think the Mona Lisa must be the most overrated painting in history. I love art and studied art history but I've never understood what all the fuss is about.
Player #25874027
Probably the world’s most recognisable face.
LaContessa, I agree, I saw the Mona Lisa about 10 years ago and I remember thinking "This is it?" Very underwhelming.
LaContessa, I have read that the reason it is so famous is because it was stolen. Just what I read.
Tammey, yes, and I believe that they have it behind the wall of glass and security stuff
she really isn't that beautiful and I've seen this painting and I'm not even sure if it's real,, in the Louvre. I'll guarantee that they have it sitting around some place that's safe
Player #27327294
LaContessa, The painting garnered a lot of notoriety when it was stolen from the museum in 1911. That's when it started becoming famous worldwide.
Player Bengal Mama
nolongerIbutCHRIST, There is a theory that Leonardo couldn't part with the painting because it's himself.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
nolongerIbutCHRIST, Bad Form!
so, it was painted on a wooden panel? why do I think it would be on canvas?