Which of these individuals convinced candidate Abraham Lincoln to grow a beard?
Correct answer: Grace Bedell, eleven year old girl

The fact that he not only bothered to look at a letter from a child, and took it seriously speaks volumes more than his already great deeds have indicated. This was one of the most genuine people we are ever likely to see in Office. I hope we can see his type lead us again someday soon.

What an interesting story.

Just think how great this game would be if everyone who has something negative to say would just shut up and stop playing the game.

Explanations aren't written expressly for this game. Many of them are drawn from Wikipedia. Good grief, quitcherbitchin, folks! You aren't being graded! IT'S A GAME!!!

Player #5513970
He was a lovely man to that for her

Player #2546993
VenomousBanana74950, I agree! too much whining going on!

OptimisticFrog17914, And good manners would be a good thing to learn.

Laudy Miss Claudy
I remembered hearing about this story in Catholic grade school and 55 years later it finally became useful😆

Fascinating. I didn't know this but guessed correctly.

TeflonMouse52, think as an american.....
this is as an opportunity for you to create your own game or change the channel.

StationaryStreet4, oh excuse me, we’re all supposed to ‘be nice’ and fake.

Very interesting fact. Something that I never new. I love all the explanations of the answers to these questions. Keeps you thinking😌

Don't hold your breath.

who else feels lonely bc everyone is in 2019 while your here in 2021? 😭

Uninitialized, when are current President came to SC a little boy watching him walk away yelled out his name the President turned around walked up to that child shook his hand then gave him his hand before walked away

Very touching story. President Lincoln was awesome! The fact that he actually looked for,and spoke with the child was amazing.

MAMASFURBIES2019, me too. 😢

Gina loves Glory, Yes!!

Jezebel, obviously not everyone felt there was competency in the White House. I mean there was a civil war and all. So many people felt the way then that you are feeling right now. You must feel better now. At least for now. But wait til you find the nightmare only gets worse. Who are you going to blame then? What happens if we learn that the nightmare gets far worse with someone else at the helm?? Scary.

Guillermo Jr.
StationaryStreet4, it is already a great game.. but.. yes!

very interesting we always think of Lincoln with a beard. On him, looked distinguished

OrdinaryCommander334, The great man in the office right now is trying to clean up the filth and crime that’s been swept under the rug for years. The other side is scared the truth will all come out! But it’s coming!!!cant wait!

Daniel A.
Uninitialized, We need a Better, Honest, Genuine leader of our Country. Our current one has... lost his way.

This one got me! As soon as I got it wrong I remembered the story from grade school.

Love this bit of history!!!

Player #20310929
Frederick Bedell is my grandfather I wonder if Grace Bedell is related to my family

Player #15457881
there is a statue of Lincoln and Grace in Westfield too. so cute!

I doubt we will ever have an open minded leader like him ever. How sad is our country that we allow power to corrupt our leaders' judgement.
On a lighter note, she was probably the first candidate advisor ever... lol

Player #MinnieLuv, What a wonderful world it was back then! You felt safe knowing there was competency in the White House. Today you just wake up sweating from a nightmare that won't end!

Player #16609332
OptimisticFrog17914, yeah ok because knowing why he decided to grow a beard in the first place is so important in life

Player #15595568
I absolutely love that story!

Never heard this previously.

So sweet!

that is such a great story!

Georgia Peach
Great advice. I love the beard !

think about that experience for that little girl, what an honor back then, all because she like all kids are overly honest. he did look better. great fact.

Can you please make the question for kids and adolts

I’m only a little girl and I don’t know what the answer are

wonderful story

Player #11000876
Player #8096401, NO COMPARISON!