The character named Tootie is from which U.S. TV series?
Correct answer: The Facts of Life

Alexis is her younger sister

Chinadoll Devoe
Love this show growing up❤️❤️❤️

Heather Kane76
nancyinfernley, maybe you’re younger? That may be why you never seen it. Back then we only had like 6 channels so wasn’t much to choose from, but this was one of the best ones. I believe anyway

Heather Kane76
Wow! Blast from the past!! I loved that show!!!

Player #15697977
Love love love Kim Fields! she's amazing she's a director and is also stars in the hilarious sitcom "living single" the original "friends"

love the fact of life wish they would bring it back.

loved that show

Player #33370893
I used to love this show. You take the good you take the bad you take them both and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life.

Player #25085019
This show also included a young George Clooney 💕

CyclicCylinder5, only Mrs. Garett (Charlotte Rae) has passed, all the "girls" are still alive and kickin

Droopy Dogg
Tooti Booti

With being in graduate school and being a professional musician I obviously had little time for TV, but I taped the show and watched and loved it.

kim, It's in reruns on cable. Just look for it.

while! that was the theme song

loved the TV series. all the characters have grown up so nicely

Kim Fields is now on "The Upshaws" with Mike Epps and Wanda Sykes.

I heard of the show but never watched it. I think my kids watched it

Alana, she was also on Good Times. She was one of the children who rode on Florida's bus. It was a 2-part episode

Never watched the show. I remembered that from Family Guy.
Thanks Peter.

Luther Booth, that was Janet Jackson on Good Times

Loved this show!!!

chuc9600, I had to guess, never seen that show,

I loved watching this show when I was younger. I'll still catch the reruns of I see they're on

Should be my nickname haha

Player #33370893,………busted my brain trying to remember that lyric ❕

My childhood!

Luther Booth
she was also on Good Times


Player #36412655
I love it 💕

have no clue on that one

miss kitty
CyclicCylinder5, The girls are ALL alive. Only Mrs. Garrett has passed away.

I'm currently playing this game on my computer, and I can't seem to find my majority hint, someone tell where its located, I find it on my smartphone but not my cooputer.

Zakiyyah Ameerah Mateen
This was such a fun show to watch

one of the very best tv shows ever ❤

Player #38618593
Didn't she go on to appear in "Living Single"? Loved that show

Player #38618593
Didnt she he go on to "Living Single"? Loved that show.

chuc9600, I too said the same thing!!

Jeff Swanson
Kim Fields was only 10 or 11 so she was on roller skates to look taller.

Player #34779818
Wasn't that a nickname for one of the cops in "Car 54 Where are you "?