What type of drug would most likely be used to treat an pulmonary embolism?
Correct answer: Anticoagulant

Player #2547087
Player #1173312, I Took A Heart Attack 2 years ago I now know it was Myocarditis that’s caused me to have 1.So while I was in hospital I had to have blood clot injections now I know my suffering was different it was they injections I had to receive in my tummy omg they were painful I’ve since recovered well & docs recommend I stop my heart pills as my heart is ok now I also had to have an angiogram to c if any damage was done to my heart in t process but I’ve been very lucky that I’ve had no damage done and I’m not in need of a stent I just wanted to share this anyway Thanks x

Player #1173312
I survived a double PE , when it happened my whole body stopped voices became distant next I was in hospital , my stay lasted 3 wks , I'm now on warfrin for life with regular checkups , would not like to encounter that experience again 😯

Hull Pauline
My brother died from a PE not long ago, always fit and healthy. So sudden. Heart breaking.

Angel Smith, have had PE 3 times I am on blood thinners for life don't forget eliquis, no levels required and no watching vitamin K

I had pulmonary emboli when I was 25. The doctors believed it was caused by my birth control.

interestingly, Coumadin (Warfarin) was first used as a rat poison making them bleed to death on ingestion...

I had a routine CT Scan last week (I am battling cancer) and they found I have a pulmonary embolism. That explained the terrible shortness of breath. Now stuck (literally) getting blood thinner needles for next 6 months in tummy. The needle doesn't hurt but the medication burns and stings like crazy!

Player #27939636
Hull Pauline, I'm sorry about the loss of your brother.

Player #13081553
I love science it's fascinating how God created us

Hull Pauline, I can understand the pain. I lost my mom too similarly. Very shocking and depressing.

Player #1173312, It is the same as RAT POISON. I would know cause I was on it for a little over a year.

Helenes70, I'm on Eliquis for life, too. I'm not fond of the bruising, but it beats the alternative!

Player #1173312, my Mother had a PE ' walfrin for life until recently taken off walfrin ' it's only used after surgery ' then iNR s are a nightmare.

Player #2547087, I had those injections in my stomach after a clot formed in my calf after 4 hr back surgery ' 150mm long ' also known as a DVT . i was walfrin for 3 months '

Cat Mom
Shasta, prayers for you!

Cat Mom
Hull Pauline, prayers for you and your family!

Tony T.
Player #1344071, thank you, if I could tell anyone about the benefits of taking 1 baby aspirin a day we could put the cardiologists out of business!

Aussie player
Helenes70, can you take vitamin k on eliquis?

The Chaser
Heparin drips, Lovenox shots, Eliquis, clopidogrel, ASA… these are a few of my favorite anticoagulants!

Wannabe Vulcan
Uninitialized, that's still the case. Over the years I gave a lot of dogs a lot of vitamin K after they'd eaten rat poison containing warfarin.

mark white, , a very good health to you

Hull Pauline, my heart goes to you for your loss

Shasta, , a very good health to you

Helenes70, , a very good health to you

Player #1173312, , a very good health to you

Player #2547087, a very good health to you

even though people refer to it as a blood thinner it does not thin the blood, but as my doctor explained it makes blood more slippery. I was introduced to warfarin when they discovered a deep vein thrombosis in my right knee. another bit of useless trivia is that the name warfarin came from the Wisconsin animal research facility. that's where the w a r came from.

I had it 2 years ago due a long surgery in my shoulder

I had a pulmonary embolism 3 weeks after my daughter was born. I have been taking Coumadin ever since. She just turned 28.

Hull Pauline, SO very sorry!! God bless you.

Player #2547087, great that you are doing well! God bless you.

I had it too, caused by DVT on my leg that I didn’t know I had and went to my lungs. Thankfully, I went to the doctor coz of severe pain on my upper rib cage and sent me for CAT scan. Do not ignore any unusual pain on your legs, thinking it’s only a muscle pain, like I did.

Phil 'sum guy'
if you get a swollen leg that stays longer than 3 days, shortness of breath, and /or combination w limited mobility a clot is very likely: see your Dr, you may not walk into the Emerg. entrance. worst thing, they rarely know what causes them.

Player #10233771
Player #1173312, I myself had a close call with a PE at 25, had less than a 1/2 hour to live once they figured it out and was in critical for a week, my lung was 3/4 full of blood. On Coumadin for life as well... Thinking about switching to a newer Anticoagulant so I don't have to go for regular PT INR's....

The most common and probably most expensive one today is Eliquis

Player #2547087, God be with you my friend.

Player #49986886
Player #2547087, I'm glad you shared this. Just had a heart attack couple of months ago, got that stent. The stent. I do hope you didn't go through a lot of stuff with that. I have gone through so much because of two little stents. Best of luck to you.

Player #51506765
heparin can be found in an ointment form too

Player #41746498
Shasta, prayers that the doctors can help your cancer!

Player #39288114
North East north north